Latest fromSideswipe

Sideswipe: Look! It's Jonah
Plus: United's apology after a couple found a full sick bag, and videos on how not to behave like a sexual harasser...

Sideswipe: Grandpa goes all out
Spider causes major crash and posh ride home comes up short...

Sideswipe: Southerners still enjoy a JAFA gag
A final memento - removing inked skin from dead people and preserving it for their relatives, in a frame...

Sideswipe: Driver's sun lounger
detachable drivers seat and even lady MPs can parallel park...

Sideswipe: Fruit from New Australia
Guy breaks car window to save dog (should've been wearing his glasses)...

Sideswipe: A good place to hide subs?
My daughter before she turned 5 asked me how come Santa's reindeer can fly if they don't have wings.

Breakfast is balls in Bali
Fight club for kids and a Japanese military vehicle that looks like a motorised broom head...

Sideswipe: Fear of curbs
Island holiday not what you'd expect and scammers in China try to buy this guy's boat...

Sideswipe: I heart meat
Rob has recently discovered a switch just behind the steering wheel in my car which, when I turn it one way, automatically applies some soapy water on to the front windscreen of my car...

Not more bleedin' Minions
A letter from a neighbour in your letter box can only spell trouble, right?

Anticipation to deflation
In Dunedin the council let you park on the footpath in narrow streets...

Sideswipe: Road cone fairies
"Looks like the road-cone fairies visited Waiuku on Monday night," says a resident who took this picture.

Sideswipe: Both full of hot air
Logo lookalike and North Shore parking wardens double standards...

Sideswipe: Things to do today...
Ducklings saved by hunter and parodying celebrity Instagram accounts...

Sideswipe: Urban poultry farm
Principal sell school playground on Trade Me and early towing on Onewa Road...