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Sideswipe: Getting behind a cause
All proceeds went to New Zealand Prostate Cancer Foundation.

Sideswipe: Friendly staff...
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Sideswipe: Pizza on the go
A driver has been caught on dash-cam towing a lit wood-fired pizza oven while hurtling along a motorway in New South Wales.

Sideswipe: Abuse staff at your peril
Twitter account @manwhohasitall highlights the phrasing often found in women's magazines and reverses it to be about men. Here are some of his best quips.

Sideswipe: Handy footpath park
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Sideswipe: Albert Park UFO
"Walking through Albert Park last week I noticed a group of tourists crowded in a circle," writes Ted Edwards.

Sideswipe: Pie incentive
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Need a Lemmy Kilmister postage stamp?
The German postal service has released a collection of stamps honouring the late Lemmy Kilmister, former singer with the heavy-metal English rock band Motorhead.

Sideswipe: Explosive headline
"Living in the provinces ... pleasing balance of alarmist and factual ... "

Sideswipe: May 11: Grotesque face jug
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Sideswipe: Priceless lamb face
"Saw this funny sight in Torbay," writes a reader. "A lady walking her lamb wearing a nappy into the local butcher. And she ordered lamb chops! The lamb's face is priceless."

Sideswipe: Not moving anytime soon
"This car has been on a Parakai road for a month now and I reported it when it first appeared," writes Andy.

Sideswipe: Vampires still in?
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Sideswipe: Defensive driving?
I had been carrying a concealed gun all day, but then when I got home and picked up a toddler the gun was uncomfortable in my waistband, so I tried to remove it.

Sideswipe: May 4: A pint of happiness, please
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Sideswipe: Personal circumcisions
Sign in local shop window suggests spellcheck issues, says Phillip.

Sideswipe: Long haul from Napier?
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Sideswipe: Cow dung bridge no more
In last few weeks an underpass has been put in and the road in the foreground was finally sealed yesterday. The sign in the photo has appeared overnight.

Sideswipe: An ad to be confused by
Some readers felt the Correction Department's new recruitment ad campaign implied motherhood was not "a career to be proud of".

Sideswipe: Seagull Under Siege
Driving along Green Lane Rd yesterday afternoon, Cobi van der Eeze was behind an old Toyota Corolla with three occupants.

Sideswipe: Sinking to new Depps
Johnny Depp's string of poor career choices has ended with a moving short film about why it is wrong to smuggle dogs into Australia.

Sideswipe: Teen Queen
I work in the claims team for a UK supermarket. A customer bought a bunch of bananas with a hidden spiders nest.

Sideswipe: Orange prickles
"Cones on this St Heliers street had been put down on one side of the street and overnight pranksters thought they could find a better use for the orange prickles."

Sideswipe: Idiot cats
"My cats like to guess what bin week it is," writes Beck. "But they got it wrong this week because it's RED and green. Idiots."

Sideswipe: April 13: Alien persuasion
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Sideswipe: Eggs on board
"Look closer: Che Guevara is no longer hooning around, chasing revolution on his motorbike but taking care of the eggs," writes Melodie of Henderson.