Latest fromSideswipe

Sideswipe: Nosey neighbours
How to deal with neighbours who check with council whenever someone renovates.

Sideswipe: New drain for uphill water
"A new drain in Rothesay Bay for uphill water," writes Kevin drily.

Sideswipe: May 14: A new Kiwi tradition
Priests in a snake oil investigation and a horn tests workers' control.

Sideswipe: Badum-tish!
Kiwi business hilariously shows the right way to sell fog machines.

Sideswipe: Balloon industry left to fly kite
Environmental groups aren't happy with balloon-releasing companies.

Sideswipe: Planter or rubbish bin?
"The new planters in Federal St seem to be great for collecting rubbish."

Sideswipe: Ads that never leave you
"Thank you very much for doing the dishes, thank you very, very, very much."

Sideswipe: The lighter side of Superman
Superman II is a good example of how the tobacco industry was good at product placement.

Sideswipe: April 16: Forgotten obstacles
A jingle that sticks, locals taking care of business and the ultimate snail mail.

Sideswipe: April 13: Some people resist control
A notice on a fridge door from the Fridge Police.

Sideswipe: Most inconsiderate parker
'I'd like to nominate this driver for the stupidest, most inconsiderate park of the year.'

Sideswipe: April 9: When life was simple
The steep learning curve of a graduate and a message to non-Aucklanders.

Sideswipe: Earthworm jerky sure ain't turkey
You have heard of beef jerky but earthworm jerky?