Latest fromSideswipe

Sideswipe: September 21: Irony included
An unusual 'extra' offered with the laundry service in a five-star Dubai Hotel.

Sideswipe: Comedian working in town planning
"This footpath in Mt Albert was 'closed for 12 weeks' for new lines and new pathways."

Sideswipe: What about grandpas?
The bad news is they're still awaiting the arrival of the new season's grandpas.

Sideswipe: Communicative cucumbers
There are many things we didn't know. Here are some funny ones.

Sideswipe: Pedestrian parking
Pedestrian parking at Northcross Shopping Centre on Saturday afternoon. Good one.

Sideswipe: $2 shop closed on urgent business
Peter notes the $2 Shop in Grey Lynn is closed on urgent business.

Sideswipe: $90k icecream the total package
Three Twins Ice Cream is advertised as "the world's most expensive icecream sundae".

Sideswipe: Planning goes haywire
A traffic island was replaced by a pedestrian crossing although there's one nearby already

Sideswipe: Not your average cookbook
The title is probably the best thing about this recipe book of movie inspired recipes.

Sideswipe: Embarrassing apple pie injury
"As I was taking an apple pie out of the oven, it slipped out of the dish onto my foot."