Latest fromShopping
Airport prices sky-high
Some items on sale at Auckland Airport cost more than double their price at the nearby shopping Centre.
Butt Cam aims for rear insight
Casual wear retailer Jeanswest has introduced cameras in some changing rooms which film shopper's bums as they try on clothes.
How ad men tickle your tastebuds
The choices we make at the supermarket checkout are less down to personal taste than we might like to think.
Kathmandu revenue up nearly 30pc
Revenue at the newly-listed Kathmandu rose 27.5pc in the six months to the end of January.
Sylvia Park's plan for future revealed
New Zealand's biggest shopping mall is planning a major expansion, including multi-storey apartments and office blocks to create a "mini CBD".
Food prices fall in February, steaks down 17pc
The cost of fruit, vegetables, meat, fish and drinks all fell last month, Statistics NZ says.
Blippy the latest social media entrant
This is still Year One of the internet Age, and social media is an infant.
Darkest before dawn for retailers
The woes of three well-known chains show the pain isn't over yet, writes Maria Slade.
Retail Therapy: Seafood and eat it
If you haven't got your tickets for the Auckland Seafood Festival already, hurry.