Busiest Boxing Day ever - Paymark
Yesterday's manic Boxing Day sales were the busiest ever, according to new Paymark figures.
Yesterday's manic Boxing Day sales were the busiest ever, according to new Paymark figures.
Nearly 40% of Kiwis believe GST should be charged on all purchases made on foreign shopping websites, a survey has shown.
A shopping trolley of 15 items was $1,500 cheaper on Boxing Day - a saving of 26 per cent on Christmas prices - according to a Herald survey of a popular mall.
A gold iPhone 5s, a $600 keyboard and an inflatable remote-controlled dolphin were some of the unwanted gifts that flooded Trade Me on Christmas Day.
If you are going online in your search for Christmas presents, keep your wits about you.
Kiwis snapped up almost a million boxes of cutlery in the latest Countdown sticker promotion.
It's shaping up to be an outdoor Christmas for many Kiwis, a list of most searched for items on popular auction site Trade Me suggests.
With summer upon us, our attentions shift not only to weather forecasts, but also on how best to scorch a piece of Bambi as the BBQ season kicks into high gear.
Dozens of online subscription businesses have popped up offering to ship boxes of different goodies within a given niche or theme.
I swear I only visited for observation's sake. Not to peruse the specials or to buy so much as a bauble, but to examine why human beings would spend America's great holiday scrounging for savings on the department store floor.
Additional Christmas outlay will leave more than half the population feeling financial stress over the holiday period, according to a MasterCard survey.
When it comes to clothes shopping, there are times to spend and times to save.
You buy a new thing, lose interest in the thing, find a newer thing to buy, stick the old thing in a cupboard and repeat forever until you die. Ugh. Sound familiar?
I'd never heard of BB creams until I was at the Estee Lauder counter at Smith & Caughey's Newmarket. "Everyone knows about BB creams," my daughter uttered with a touch of disgust.
Dear Halloween grinches. Have a heart and buy some lollies for the excited children who will be knocking on your door on Thursday.
Christmas decorations are appearing in the shops and it won't be long before perfume sales skyrocket. But where will you be buying your perfume?
Online booking sites are revolutionary compared to the old days of phone calls, faxes, travel agents and rack rates.
Customers of a Christmas saving scheme are outraged after a business partnership with Countdown broke down.
I bought something from Noel Leeming and wanted to pay via internet banking so they could post it to me. Noel Leeming said that I had paid GE Credit by accident and would need to speak to them.
Life has never been so good for discerning fashion shoppers. Online shopping makes even the most obscure brands accessible.