Latest fromShopping

Visa to replace signatures with PIN
Visa is to stop accepting signatures for its New Zealand-issued credit cards for most transactions from later this year in a bid to strengthen security.

Diana Clement: Watch out for hot sales to be in line for real bargains
Whatever your style or store preference, you can find a bargain if you're willing to put in some research before shopping, writes Diana Clement.

Quick tap and shopping's done
Remember that ad where Richie McCaw races around the shops in a suit, buying wedding presents and tapping his card on an eftpos terminal?

Councillors divided over sale of square
Auckland councillors are divided on the privatisation of Queen Elizabeth Square in downtown Auckland, but voted 14-7 today to approve in principle the disposal of the land worth upwards of $60 million to Precinct Properties.

City square could be sold
Auckland councillors will tomorrow consider the privatisation of Queen Elizabeth Square in downtown Auckland for a mall.

Retail spend up less than expected
Retail sales rose less than expected in the first quarter, with electrical and electronic goods leading the gains, while supermarket and grocery sales fell.

A plan stretches dollars
A meal plan, shopping once a week and buying fruit and veges from specialist shops, rather than a supermarket, will save you thousands a year, a food writer and budgeting expert says.

Beckham, Prince George help sell luxury brands
Cultural icons like David Beckham and the Royal family help the UK's luxury brands outperform its global rivals in emerging markets, new research has found.

Death of the infomercial?
The low odds of success and the growing cost are shutting off infomercials to anyone other than the leading direct response televison marketers and major brands.

Traders knew inspectors were absent
Wanaka traders threw open their doors this Easter after being secretly told there would be no Labour inspectors around to catch them, it's been reported.

Buy Crikey: Wardrobe on a budget
The wrong clothes can kill a career before it starts. But buying a work wardrobe can be costly, writes Diana Clements.

Nosh pulls back on expansion plans
Upmarket grocery chain Nosh has pulled back on expansion plans outside its core Auckland markets in the central, eastern suburbs and North Shore.

NZ card spending stalls in March
New Zealand spending growth on credit and debit cards stalled in March, as a decline in expenditure on fuel and clothing offset gains for food and liquor.

These boots are made for browsing
Trade Me aims to corner the high end rag trade. The website has rebranded its clothing section as "Trade Me Fashion", hoping to claim more of the online clothing retail market.

Christmas clubs get in early
Starting a Christmas savings scheme will make shopping less stressful and the way you save will make a big difference to how much cash you'll have.

NZ card spending up in Feb
New Zealanders spent more on their credit and debit cards in February, fuelled by spending on hospitality

Buy Crikey: Great place for arts and crafts
Want to be dazzled by an unimaginable range of crafts? Then visit for a jaw-dropping experience. It has more than 25 million items for sale, writes Diana Clement.

Going up against virtual competition
Consumers have never had it so good, thanks to an explosion of cheap, high-quality goods now available globally at the click of a mouse. But gow are traditional stores coping?

Retailers urged to ride online sales wave
Local retailers are being urged to grow their web platforms after strong growth in online retail spending.

Parents stung by scams
Parents are losing hundreds of dollars through fraudulent websites claiming to sell popular baby products.

Shopping trolleys tracked
Customers are being tracked by bugging devices fixed to their shopping trolleys and baskets as they shop in an Auckland supermarket.

Attack of the Amazon drones?
Will the internet giant evolve into the biggest retailer in the world? Katherine Rushton looks at what the future holds for the Seattle-based company.

Buy Crikey: BYO tablets a school dilemma
Thousands of Kiwi parents have a new shopping dilemma this year - they will need to buy a tablet or other digital device for their child, writes Diana Clement.

Buy Crikey: The patient shopper gets the best bargains
Sick of shopping? You shouldn't be. January is the time of true bargains.

Retailers relish Boxing Day bonanza
Retailers are "over the moon" at record Boxing Day sales on Thursday.