Latest fromShopping

Kiwis splashing out on fans, ice cream and sunblock
New Zealanders are wiping out supermarkets' supplies of summer essentials like sunblock.

Alipay aims to boost Chinese tourism
There are 2,000 merchants offering Alipay purchases in New Zealand

Drive-through doughnuts! Krispy Kreme to open first NZ store
Doughnut lovers rejoice: Krispy Kreme will soon be available in New Zealand.

Amazon pulls 'racist' Chinese costume from website
The children advertised Chinese fancy dress and made 'racist' gestures and faces.

Why Amazon Go won't steal our jobs
The most likely outcome of new ventures like Amazon Go is higher standards of living.

ComCom tells online shoppers to be wary
Consumer watchdog has received 50 complaints about Lux International Sales since May 2016

Warning to shoppers: Check your dockets
If you walk out of the supermarket without checking your docket, you could be missing out.

Zero dollar food bill, only the beginning
Revisiting the Whanganui family who gave up buying groceries for a year.

Crowds flock to shops on Boxing Day
Shoppers pack Sylvia Park shopping mall in Auckland. Video/Jason Oxenham

Apple's not-so Merry Christmas
Apple has been counting on a redesigned 10th anniversary iPhone to boost shipments.

Prices slashed for Boxing Day sales
Retailers are embracing Boxing Day sales, with many calling it the busiest day of the year

Editorial: Why they want us in driverless cars
Driverless cars - another chance to sell you something you don't need or want

Boxing Day sales set to exceed last year
Kiwis are spending up large this Christmas and it is set to continue on Boxing Day.

Xmas shoppers give credit cards a work out
Paymark's sales data also hints at what you might get in your stocking this year.

Yesterday busiest shopping day of the year - so far
The tills were ringing yesterday as Kiwis spent up large.

Christmas shopping at Sylvia Park
Shoppers at Sylvia Park talk about the busy Christmas season. / Jason Oxenham

Man denied zero-alcohol beer because it's a 'gateway drink'
Man's wife calls rule 'nonsensical', but major supermarket chains follow it.

Diana Clement: 10 reasons to buy gift cards
COMMENT: A lot of presents we buy never get used so gift cards make a lot of sense.

De-stress shopping in a heartbeat
Does present shopping with kids get your heart rate rocketing?

Testing stress levels of Christmas shopping with & without kids
Testing the stress levels of Christmas shopping for people with and without kids. / Dean Purcell

Hallenstein Glassons aims to boost profit by half
Hallenstein Glassons Holdings is hoping to lift annual profit by more than 50 per cent.

Christmas: Five per cent of Kiwis not buying presents
Five per cent of Kiwis won't be buying Christmas presents this year, say researchers.

Auckland rates poorly with Xmas shoppers
Shoppers are the least satisfied during lead-up to Christmas, a study shows,

Westpac's latest deal upsets Kiwi businesses
Local businesses are seeing red with a new Westpac bank promotion offering overseas deals.

Louis Vuitton's robotic holiday help
The chatbot will answer queries for all things Louis Vuitton.

Amazon launches in Oz, Kiwis yet to benefit
Amazon has launched Down Under but Kiwis cannot yet bag a bargain.

Christmas presents Kiwis want ... and gifts we should avoid
Kiwis typically spend $25 and $50 per gift, a new survey suggests.

Why Amazon doesn't scare Mighty Ape
Inside Mighty Ape's warehouse and how its gearing up to take on Amazon.

Your guide to outsourcing Christmas
Whether it's the food, booze, tree or gift wrap, these Kiwi companies have you covered