Online grocery and booze sales skyrocket in March
Panic buying Kiwis ordered 42 per cent more booze and groceries online as pandemic hit.
Panic buying Kiwis ordered 42 per cent more booze and groceries online as pandemic hit.
Hawke's Bay agencies, community and support groups rally the troops to help the elderly.
Customer-free store based in Penrose, Auckland, will see more than 7500 orders a week.
Complaints weren't only about food products but even the price of the plumber too.
Kiwi fashionistas are still able to receive goods from foreign companies.
Some of the change we face in the next year will be tough. Some will be lovely.
"By the time the third person touched me, I started hyperventilating," customer says.
Kiwis rushed to the shops ahead of the Good Friday closure.
The Big New Zealand Easter Egg Hunt launched.
'She yelled at one guy who got too close and poked him away with the tape measure.'
A sign at the entrance to the beach town says it all: "If it's not your home, go home."
Most complaints relate to food staples, such as flour, bread and meat.
"I don't understand, fake tan and hair dye are essential items and kids clothing isn't."
Only days after being able to sell essential goods, The Warehouse is facing huge demand.
"How often do these errors occur? Would an elderly person even check their receipts?"
They struggling to keep up with the overwhelming demand of restocking shelves.
Social media is rife with posts about a lack of flour throughout the country.
Kiwis can now buy heaters, computers and whiteware while under alert level 4 lockdown.
Service comes into its own during lockdown. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Auckland man urges measures to be put in place to assist over-70s online food shoppers.
Pak'n Save has unveiled what its supermarkets will look like during the lockdown.
Supermarkets say scenes have been more "controlled" than on previous days.
Grocery shopping giant introduces a number of changes as country enters lockdown period.
The products Kiwis were searching for, in 'normal circumstances', were never high sellers.
Alcohol shelves being stripped bare by panic buyers in the UK.
Shopper reveals how supermarket staff are abused by frustrated customers.
The two supermarket giants are urging people to shop as they usually would.
Perth mum's secret shopping method goes viral as Aussies fight bulk-buying urges.
Here's 10 great ways to enjoy your time in Auckland.
Woman reveals unusual measures for supermarket shoppers in Italy.