Latest fromSecondary Education

Editorial: Let's consign school balls to history
It is a mystery why these annual events have not been replaced by something more befitting the modern age rather than the epoch of Jane Austen.

Students attacked at Tauranga Girls'
A teacher and three students were assaulted during an attack involving seven teenagers at Tauranga Girls' College - and the mother of one victim is "disgusted" at how the school has handled the incident.

King's boys play game of their lives...
Three days after burying their mate, King's College First XV played the game of their lives to beat arch-rivals Auckland Grammar.

Kerre Woodham: Teenage years are a killer
My 22-year-old daughter will graduate from law school this year.

<i>Deborah Hill Cone</i>: Rich or poor, it's tough growing up
Wealthy kids get the attention, but making it through the teen years is always a challenge.

Schools monitor students' online exploits
Students are being warned schools are actively monitoring them online to check for misbehaviour.

Brawling boys face rugby judges after 1st XV game called off
A schoolboy rugby match was abandoned after three players were sent off for brawling...

'Derision of gays made me suicidal'
The 17-yr-old son of a former Cabinet minister says he struggled as a closet homosexual boarder at King's College.

Schools face roll explosion
An extra 30,000 children are predicted to turn up in Auckland classrooms over the coming decade.

Zoning frustrates wish for single-sex school
Auckland Grammar old boy John Chisholm wants his sons to go to a good single-sex school like he did - but they don't live in the right zone.

Mall girls snapped in the act
Official figures confirm that violence involving teenage girls is on the rise.