Science show for kids in doubt after Nanogirl office burgled
Nanogirl's Auckland offices were burgled early this morning.
Nanogirl's Auckland offices were burgled early this morning.
Flashing lights and positive motivational thoughts could send teens off to land of Nod.
What if we could influence how Auckland's next big volcanic eruption played out?
The burst came as a result of the rising crater lake drowning active vents
Multitudes at risk from warming, rising oceans and melting ice, sweeping UN report finds.
Greta Thunberg deserves to be angry. Science reporter Jamie Morton explains why.
Scientists say they may be a step closer to understanding NZ fault zone's big threats.
A third of Maori and Pacific Islanders carry a gene variant just linked to taller height.
The key to driving NZ's emissions to net zero by 2050 may lie kilometres beneath our feet.
Climate change may deliver us more heatwaves, pollution and disease. Are we ready for it?
Thousands of people around the globe stage rallies to call attention to climate change.
Scientists are replicating nature's wonder-material, spider silk, to make clothing.
The new study focuses on the drop in sheer numbers of birds, not extinctions.
Scientists believe dust created by blowing up an asteroid could cool the Earth.
Internationally, 67 per cent of people see climate change as a major threat.
Comment: Young people will face the climate challenge because their forebears did not.
Fire danger soars under climate change. What does it mean for firefighters on the ground?
A plate of fish and chips is increasingly likely to expose people to untreatable bacteria.
The first in a series to see how well you know New Zealand's climate change numbers.
We can't risk normalising our climate emergency, write Jamie Morton and Jacob Anderson.
In flood-exposed South Dunedin, Eleanor Doig says things are going to have to change.
Girls make a clean sweep of the top prizes; home school students also excel.
Methane from cows remains NZ's biggest climate change problem.
Commonly used artificial sweeteners are an even worse threat to a long life than sugar.
Why does climate change make some people feel powerless to act? Jamie Morton finds out.
There's an emergency in our native wilderness. Why are so many Kiwis oblivious to it?
Companies are creating plant-based, lab-grown meats. Will they meet religious standards?
The universe is looking younger every day, it seems.
Poor nutrition is responsible for the deaths of more than 3 million children worldwide.
New York Times: Scientists assemble record of what happened just after asteroid impact.