Going green: why you've been hearing more about veganism
The movement Anthony Bourdain once called "Hezbollah-like" is going mainstream in NZ.
The movement Anthony Bourdain once called "Hezbollah-like" is going mainstream in NZ.
What moves the modern church's dedication to the discussion of scientific issues?
Top honour for scientist behind newborn breakthroughs: Jane Harding. Video / Damian Christie
A scientist who has helped millions of newborns and mums receives NZ's top research medal.
Climate change named as one of four big threats hurting NZ's vast blue backyard.
Kauri unearthed at a West Auckland building site may yield major climate change insights.
Did the universe really begin with a Big Bang? And if so, is there evidence?
Recreational use gets the headlines, but Cannasouth is all about the medicinal benefits.
Kiwi scientists say study's findings need to be treated with caution.
Editorial: In the global warming conversation, we say, thank goodness for Greta.
Two star-gazers who discovered a planet outside our solar system were awarded.
Compounds in tobacco smoke might ironically prove key to stubbing out the harmful habit.
National would overhaul the Act that has long regulated biotechnology like gene editing.
Scientists propose new initiative to keep closer tabs on our fast-changing ocean estate.
Researchers have retracted a study that raised concerns with fish oil supplement labels.
Scientists are looking at whether a NZ breed of pig may make an ideal future organ donor.
Scientists plan to use "gene silencing" to combat the notorious European paper wasp.
New York Times: One city's misfortune has made it a test case for climate resilience.
An intriguing discovery may prompt a rethink over how scientists calculate seismic hazard.
Failing to meet Paris Agreement targets may mean sea levels 20m higher, scientists warn.
Don't give up on voting in the council election because all the hot air from candidates.
How the biggest event of its kind ever observed in our hemisphere put the chill on spring.
Clever tech could help kill the last stragglers in our grand plan to be pest-free by 2050.
NZ could serve as an "ark" to reboot civilisation if a deadly pandemic swept the planet.
Seventy per cent of the items stolen from Nanogirl's office have been returned.
Scientists to use latest gene-editing technology to create NZ's first "climate-smart" cow.
By better understanding violence in NZ prisons, researchers hope to be able to predict it.
A NZ study has addressed questions about how and why supernatural beings are worshipped.
The world is not prepared for the discovery, Nasa's chief scientist has warned.