How to teach skills for workplace of next generation
Teachers aim to lift students' aspirations above mere grades.
Teachers aim to lift students' aspirations above mere grades.
ANALYSIS: If vaccines work on the new strains, why are they a scarier prospect? Read on.
Border workers can now get saliva tests, but it is not goodbye to the nasal swabs yet.
Scientists firing rocks at roofs to explore how buildings may fare in Auckland eruption.
2020 wasn't just one of the 10 warmest for NZ, but for our wider region as a whole.
Air NZ staff will be tested for Covid-19 using saliva samples in a new three-month trial.
Could we travel to other universes using wormholes?
Study showing antibodies linger in Covid-19 patients may bode well for vaccine effort.
Major NZ study aims to answer burning questions around vaping's long-term effects.
Long-term protection will depend on the 'memory response' developed by our immune systems.
NZ coastal homes are likely to be hit by climate impacts. But to what extent and how soon?
Amid a pandemic NZ saw its seventh hottest year in 2020, carrying on a dire warming trend.
A ghostly landscape greets displaced villagers one year after Taal volcano erupted.
New York Times: Experts have been startled by the pace at which new variants have emerged.
New York Times: Marine biologist's DNA profiling called "biteprinting" prompts objections.
NZ scientists seek to reveal one gene's critical role in the onset of Parkinson's disease.
Discovery made after Kaikoura quake could tell us how NZ's big-risk Alpine Fault unravels.
A third of NZ homes are too hot in summer. A study seeks to find out how Kiwis cool them.
New data suggests why Māori, Pacific people must be considered in early vaccine roll-out.
Training kids self-control could set them up to be healthier, finds study using NZ data.
Move over kererū: a NZ study suggests a much heftier animal was a seed 'super-spreader'.
A year ago today, Australia's fires turned NZ skies orange. What happened to our glaciers?
As scientists hunt down the pandemic's animal origin, a new study into NZ species begins.
The highly transmissible UK strain has arrived in NZ. Here's what we know about it.
New York Times: In April 2019, a beam of radio waves took astronomers by surprise.
What's in store for stargazers in 2021? Astronomer Dr Grant Christie offers a preview.
The moon was burning so bright someone thought it was a fire.
The epidemiologist's advice informed the government's decision to go into lockdown.
With summer's hot nights comes the seasonal battle for enough shut-eye. What can we do?
We've all had a little too much to drink. Ever wonder how alcohol physically affects us?