Five takeaways from the UN climate report
New York Times: Report the most comprehensive summary yet of climate change.
New York Times: Report the most comprehensive summary yet of climate change.
ANALYSIS: Hundreds of scientists from more than 60 countries contributed to the report.
Study finds right-wing link to vaccine scepticism - but only with conspiratorial thinking.
Researchers have picked apart the reasons why most Kiwis still ignore QR code posters.
Is Covid-19 truly airborne? Can it be spread through surfaces? Here's what we know.
NZ's on track for another record-warm winter. Are we adjusting to a "new normal" too fast?
World vaccination campaign must proceed faster to avoid variants with extreme resistance.
ANALYSIS: Scientists are increasingly realising that not all narcissists are the same.
Outgoing boss of Crown-owned company hopeful over NZ's bold bid to be predator-free.
There is no single answer to the question "what is science?".
Indigenous knowledge should be valued beside Western systems, not pitted against them.
So far, opponents have avoided stating mātauranga Māori is scientific.
Continuous daylight kick started weird bacteria into producing lots of oxygen.
ANALYSIS: For decades, sperm quantity and quality has been deteriorating globally.
New York Times: The early Covid data from China was removed from an online database.
OPINION: How did we end up shouting down a defence of scientific methodology?
Māori and Pasifika students say "merge of sciences" in their course is much more engaging.
Massey University professor says we need to learn from Toa the orca calf's death.
Diminshing role of Māori knowledge a tool for 'exclusion and exploitation', rebuttal says.
Professor says his leadership likely to cause division at among Auckland Uni scientists.
NZ's biggest export earner is often accused of polluting our water. Here are the facts.
Research related to diabetes, Māori mental health, stomach cancer among areas funded.
The letter does not represent Auckland University's views, vice-chancellor says.
Scientists pledge to be more open about how they use animals in research and teaching.
Instrument ballooned to space from Wanaka may help solve dark matter mysteries.
Scientists reconstruct 2016's 7.8 quake in unprecedented detail to reveal fresh insights.
Study suggesting kauri-killing scourge has been here for centuries should prompt rethink.
'Anyone who consumes this whitebait could become quite ill.'
Toa has developed colic but it's unclear how much distress he is in.
New York Times: Scientists say it's less a wobble and more like a slow, predictable cycle.