Latest fromScience
<i>Rebecca Barry</i>: Survive on less sleep? What a nightmare
Mutation in gene that determines individual sleep requirements explains why some people don't need much kip.
Cockroach boom sends bug business soaring
Cockroach populations have soared this year, with good breeding conditions and horrible winter weather sending the bugs inside.
Sea slugs may be victims as well
An expert on sea slugs doubts they are to blame for killing dogs, saying the slugs themselves are probably victims.
What do your sleep patterns say about you?
Your genetic make-up may determine how many good hours of sleep you get.
Beach poison - sea slugs top suspects
Scientists have proved that slugs found on an Auckland beach are toxic but have not established what they have eaten to make them poisonous.
<i>Brian Rudman:</i> White roofs are good for society
Painting the world's roofs and roads white would be the equivalent of taking all the cars off the road for 11 years, scientists say.
Dog and fish deaths may not be linked - scientists
Researchers believe they may be dealing with two or even three unrelated causes of illness in the Hauraki Gulf.