Latest fromScience

Never let young watch TV: experts
Young children should not watch any TV because it sets them up for obesity and poor academic performance at school, say experts.

Sex-addict study solicits adulterers
Researchers want to hear from serial sex cheats and others with trouser-trouble, to deepen their understanding of what they call "hypersexuality".

UV rays give Kiwi wines edge
Rays that cause skin cancer also make New Zealand sauvignon blanc unique, according to new research.

Mutant cows die in GM trial
Genetically modified cows were born with ovaries that grew so large they caused ruptures and killed the animals.

Genome scientist given drugs to combat future illnesses
An apparently healthy man has become the first person in the world to be prescribed a medicine based on an analysis of his genome.

Corn smut - great tasting and good for you too
A corn infection that US farmers have spent millions trying to eradicate, is in fact packed with unique proteins, minerals and other nutritional goodies, tests have found.

Diabetes patient speaks out on pig-cell trial
Results from the pig-cell trial so far indicate improved control of blood-sugar levels and reduced need for insulin injections.

<i>Gwynne Dyer:</i> Why first man on Mars will probably be Chinese
The US will be a hitch-hiker on other nations' space programmes, writes Gwynne Dyer.

Stunning images of the sun
Images from the Solar Dynamics Observatory, which NASA claims is the most advanced spacecraft ever designed to study the sun.

A big month for genes
It is not a completely far-out scenario that the genetic sequence of all newborn babies may one day be collected by default, writes Dita De Boni.

How genes influence obesity, senility - and the effects of olive oil
Medical researchers have begun to elucidate the complex role of genes in human health.

Expert Aussie keeps 1200kg shark on ice
Shark expert Vic Hislop denies he paid thousands for a monstrous hammerhead which is now in a freezer while he decides what to do with it.

Human genes to be injected into goats, cows, and sheep
Scientists have been given permission to put human genes into goats, sheep and cows for the next 20 years.

On your YikeBike, pal
A Kiwi inventor has won the award for best brainwave at an international gadget fair in the United Kingdom.