Whale-rider link stops orca autopsy
An orca that washed up dead near Whakatane has been buried in a nearby Maori cemetery despite researchers wanting to perform an autopsy.
An orca that washed up dead near Whakatane has been buried in a nearby Maori cemetery despite researchers wanting to perform an autopsy.
Members of the public are being urged to become "citizen scientists" by recording their sightings of local wildlife to save endangered species.
Scalpel-free, virtual autopsy, or 'virtopsy' - a radical new approach to forensic investigation.
A drug co-invented by a University of Auckland researcher and part funded by a New Zealand venture capital company is about to take the next step on the path to gaining a foothold in the global 'wound-healing' market.
News that synthetic life has been produced in a US laboratory has been received with awe and alarm.
In a major breakthrough, US scientists have produced a living cell powered by man-made DNA.
The Government's chief science adviser has warned of a "new biological reality" behind recent youth tragedies.
It's not easy living your life by a study. Everyone does it, reads the latest experiments in the news and adjusts their lifestyle according.
A scientist has proposed using science research funds to send an aircraft to make more snow fall on the Southern Alps.
An elixir of youth remains a distant dream but medicines to help us live longer and better are moving closer.
Scientists have discovered that a conversation on the phone can be as good as a hug in terms of boosting the "love hormone" oxytocin.
John Key says research, science and technology will get the biggest boost after health and education in next week's Budget.
Scientists have found that washing your hands frees you of taking the blame for any unhappy outcome of a difficult decision.
Merely putting sugar into your mouth boosts muscle strength for three minutes, New Zealand research has shown.