Latest fromScience

Return of the king
Jo Merchant meets the team that's finally revealing Howard Carter's secrets to the world.

Triceratops news goes down badly
In scientific terms it is clearly huge. And the impact was no doubt felt in households around the world ... at least those with young children.

Our taonga beneath the sea
The good news from the first Census of Marine Life is: New Zealand's waters are indeed teeming with wondrous creatures and plants.

Five millennia on, iceman surrenders DNA secrets
The hunt is on to find living descendants of South Tyrol's 5300-year-old mummified man.

Vitamin C blocks tumour growth: study
NZ researchers have established that vitamin C can help to block the growth of cancer cells.

Forget the LHC - physicists plan new atom smasher
Forget the Large Hadron Collider, Cern's scientists have their hearts set on a new, $9.48 billion, 31km Linear Collider.

Scientists capture 4 mile iceberg break in Greenland
A team of American scientists captured a four-mile iceberg breaking away from a glacier in eastern Greenland last year, a process known as 'calving', a force behind the global rising sea levels. Source - YouTube/New York University

Face of 2500-year-old woman revealed
NZ scientists have recreated the face of a 2500-year-old Turkish peasant with technology they hope could be used in court in coming years.

What is Parasomnia?
Sleep clinician Carlos Schenck explains the 'Parasomnia' condition which includes bizarre phenomenon such “sleep violence,” "sleep eating," and “sleep sex. Source - YouTube/World Science Festival

Cod you believe it? Fish are big talkers
Fish have been found to grunt, growl and "pop" at each other, according to University of Auckland marine scientist Shahriman Ghazali.

Why the truth really can hurt
How do you know if someone is lying to you? What, exactly, are you supposed to look for?