Paper boys
If your job seems a bit humdrum, what should you do? If you're anything like these two Auckland creatives, you self-publish something that combines your passions for art and science.
If your job seems a bit humdrum, what should you do? If you're anything like these two Auckland creatives, you self-publish something that combines your passions for art and science.
Rachael Darcie McKinnon rounds up the best the web has to offer.
Could we be heading towards a future in which technology blurs the line between living and non-living machines?
Scientists have developed a new kind of drug that shows signs of being effective against the ebola virus.
Recent research shows that the tuatara is not as genetically distinctive as first thought.
A US law means supplies of the gas - a vital component in MRI scans - are vanishing fast.
An overnight sensation seven years in the making.
We're fortunate enough to be part of the generation that's seeing science-fiction become reality.
Bridget Vercoe writes that Auckland Zoo's scheme is ill-conceived and unnecessary.
From bulls to boules to the The Higgs Boson - the elusive particle containing the answers to life and everything else.
An international study has successfully used genome scanning to identify a gene associated with vulnerability to tuberculosis (TB).
A huge undersea volcano has dramatically reduced in size after partly collapsing more than 100 metres toward the ocean floor.
Green bikes, sofas and roofs - there's no excuse not to do your part to save the environment.
The state-owned weather and atmospheric research body is being taken to court over the accuracy of data used to calculate global warming.
Astronomers and scientists in New Zealand are excited about the arrival of a rare celestial phenomenon.