Latest fromScience

<i>Anthony Doesburg</i>: Cosmic cook up probes secrets of the universe
Giant experiment is already providing real return for NZ, says physicist.

Pike River blast: Methane fingered in explosion
Mining companies around the world face a constant struggle to avoid accumulations of methane gas and coal dust underground.

Injection of stem cells into stroke victim's brain a medical first
A Glasgow man in his 60s has become the world's first person to receive injections of foetal stem cells.

Organs stripped from dead nuclear workers
Organs and bones were illegally harvested from the bodies of dead nuclear industry workers.

Robots to hunt for lost Pink and White Terraces
Scientists from New Zealand and the United States plan to map the bottom of Lake Rotomahana in the hope of discovering what happened to the Pink and White Terraces hydrothermal system.

Sheep tissue substitute looks promising
A Wellington company's use of sheep gut in reconstructive surgery exposes it to a multi-million-dollar market.

Study: Solo kids happier than those with siblings
The fewer siblings children have, the happier they are, a survey has suggested.

Painkillers linked to defects in baby boys
NZ women have been warned to take care with painkillers during pregnancy, after a study found a link to potential fertility problems in baby boys.

New lizard species discovered - on a restaurant menu
A new species of lizard has become a legend in its own lunchtime after being identified by scientists from the menu of a Vietnamese restaurant.

Otago scientist awarded Rutherford Medal
An Otago University molecular biologist has been awarded New Zealand's top science and technology honour, the 2010 Rutherford Medal.

Kayaker picks up big travelling companions
Kayaker Mark Jones had unexpected company when a pod of whales surrounded him as he paddled to Great Barrier Island.

Cold cure not to be sniffed at
The body's immune defences can destroy the common cold virus after it has invaded the inner sanctum of a human cell, scientists have found.

Space probe hot on comet's tail
This week, a tiny United States robot spacecraft will make a dramatic encounter in deep space.

Aussie support for GM slips
Australia is much further along than New Zealand when it comes to employing genetic modification in crops.

The way ahead for science and innovation
There's room for both blue-skies research and applied sciences, a conference this month heard.