Latest fromScience

The $10,000 human genome
You can sequence your own genome for $10,000 USD - and it will only take around eight days to complete.

Nobel laureates receive prizes
The 2010 Nobel laureates in literature, economics, physics and chemistry received their prizes in Stockholm last night.

Birth from the inside out
Where would the world of childbirth be without those uninhibited European women who feature so prominently in birthing videos?

The fertility specialist who does things his own way
Mohamed Taranissi, the so-called 'bad boy of the fertility world' is still Britain's most successful IVF specialist.

La Nina heatwave sweeps the country
New Zealand is in for a long, hot summer as La Nina hits our shores, says the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (Niwa).

Alien life found - but no ET, sorry
Alien life has been among us all along, according to new biological findings announced by Nasa.

Study challenges genetic link to anti-social behaviour
An Otago University study has challenged the idea that depression and anti-social behaviour are primarily influenced by genes.

Plain parents less likely to have girls - study
Good-looking couples are more likely to have daughters than plainer parents, according to a study.

Wellington science team scoops top award
A team of Victoria University researchers has won New Zealand's most valuable science prize for developing technology that is earning millions of dollars.

More to be done on tax, education, says Treasury secretary
More can be done to improve the tax system to promote economic growth, says Treasury secretary John Whitehead.

HIV pill heralds new era in fight against AIDS
Scientists this week announced the first pill to provide effective protection against Aids.