Future generations may be lost in space
If travelling to a new home might take thousands of years, would humans be able to successfully procreate along the way?
If travelling to a new home might take thousands of years, would humans be able to successfully procreate along the way?
Spanish chef Ferran Adria is having a break from El Bulli, but will continue to experiment in the kitchen.
Is a fully sustainable global energy system possible within reach, or a pipe dream?
Scientists using underwater robots have discovered remnants of the Pink Terraces on the floor of Lake Rotomahana, near Rotorua.
A magnitude 3.1 earthquake, centred 30 kilometres south of Gisborne, struck just after 10pm last night.
Gisborne and Northern Hawke's Bay were rocked by a series of earthquakes on Monday between magnitude 4.2 and 3.3 at a relatively shallow depth, but no damage has been reported.
The Security and Intelligence Service failed to follow basic procedures when it granted a security clearance to Stephen Wilce, the former director of defence technology who embellished claims about his experience.
The difficulty is that most university lecturers aren't trained teachers but have generally "picked it up on the job".
The human nose contains roughly 400 olfactory receptors, but no two people have the same sense of smell.
The reign of the kilo as we know it may be about to come to an end.
Great news for students - jeans left unwashed for a year are no dirtier than those that have been worn for a fortnight.
Ethics experts have approved NZ's first clinical trial using adult stem cells to treat people with spinal injuries.
Two blokes with a love of weird science have created pretty much everything but the perfect woman for their new show.
Google has announced an online global science fair allowing any student with a web connection and a Google account to enter a competition with a NZ$64,800 prize.