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Pigeon-guided missiles: Inventions that didn't quite fly
Smell-O-Vision was meant to stink – and it did. Here are 20 extraordinary ideas that didn't quite make it from prototype to production line...

Drink and be healthy, study says - but NZ docs disagree
American research has topped up the theory that a tipple a day is good for your health - but some New Zealand academics are no longer swallowing the idea.

Singapore patent for Dunedin co's cancer test
Dunedin-based company Pacific Edge says it has been awarded a patent in Singapore for its colorectal cancer prognostic technology.

The trouble with good-looking people
Study finds people blessed with more symmetrical facial features are more likely to selfishly focus on their own interests.

Taking science beyond the lab
Business is booming at New Zealand's only commercial wildlife forensics and DNA diagnostics lab, EcoGene.

Gene discovery to identify women with cancer risk
Study finds fault in a gene that normally helps the body repair its DNA increases a woman's risk of ovarian cancer six-fold.