Bilingual skills a boost for brain
Speaking two languages from a young age may help protect people from Alzheimer's disease.
Speaking two languages from a young age may help protect people from Alzheimer's disease.
Study on adolescent risks finds answers in behaviour of infants.
They have existed for less than a second each, but two new elements have been added to the Periodic Table.
Angel investors' $500,000 aims to boost sales of dairy-based health products.
A handful of visually impaired people in Britain are now using echo-location to help them navigate.
A new Australian discovery could lead to the first ever drug treatment for people battling the most aggressive form of breast cancer.
The ocean is growing ever-noisier and scientists are increasingly wary of sound's potential to impact sea life beyond just marine mammals.
Two new aquatic species have been discovered at the halfway mark of New Zealand's largest ever...
CERN's director general believes that if the Higgs boson exists, the Large Hadron Collider will prove it by the end of 2012.