Latest fromScience
Big new science institute promised by Govt
The Government, should it be re-elected this month, plans to boost investment in the science sector and transform Industrial Research Limited into an advanced technology institute - a high tech HQ for New Zealand.
Yoga an effective treatment for back pain, study finds
It would seem that the ancient practice of yoga really does work - and it could be even better than going to the doctor.
X + Y = The romance formula?
Science appears to show that we like people who smell different, but not too different, writes the Independent's Alice Azania-Jarvis.
What the platypus' sexual evolution can tell us about our own
The platypus has a lot to teach us about sex and evolution, says a University of Adelaide professor.
Older does mean wiser
The over-55s use their brains more efficiently than their younger counterparts, say scientists.
NZ diabetes company rescued by Japanese cash
The New Zealand maker of a revolutionary diabetes therapy, Living Cell Technologies, has been rescued from closure by a $32.1m Japanese injection.
NZ project out to break landspeed record
A New Zealand entrepreneur wants to build the fastest car in the world. But now the hard work starts - raising $30 million to make it roll.
Time to take Auckland seriously
Auckland's mayor is ready to up the pace for action on the transformation of the city writes Fran O'Sullivan.
Crop pioneer fights the bio-battle
Non chemical spray innovator sets its sights on overseas markets
The Pill affects sexual partner choices - study
Women who take the Pill tend to choose as partners men who are less attractive and worse in bed but who are a sounder bet for a relationship.
Lanzatech links with Swedes, Virgin and Boeing on bio-fuels push
Local bio-fuels company Lanzatech is accelerating its path into the aviation fuel market by partnering with a Swedish company to convert ethanol to aviation bio-fuel for Virgin Atlantic and Boeing.
The downside to looking on the bright side
If you are always seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, be warned - it could be an oncoming train.
Studies identify medicinal benefits from common herbs and spices
Researchers have been finding new medicinal possibilities in some common food enhancers.