Latest fromScience

Stunning new Antarctic map published
New Zealand scientists have spent six years updating a seminal map of Antarctica completed by colleagues 50 years ago, and they hope it will help to unlock the degree and impacts of climate change.

Bob Jones: Without humanities, science could destroy us
I marvel at each scientific discovery but what concerns me is the scorn applied to humanities study these developments have induced, writes Bob Jones.

Vitamin D fails in study
Vitamin D supplements provide little - if any - health benefits, a study shows.

Leader of ill-fated Antarctic Expedition apologises
The leader of the ill-fated Australasian Antarctic Expedition has apologised for the inconvenience caused to rescuers, while authorities estimate the bill could reach $2.6m.

Kiwis ponder fertility puzzle's next piece
Kiwi scientists who helped to pinpoint the 'microchip' in our brain that can control fertility are now working on the next crucial piece in the puzzle - how to influence it.

Baxter the robot rolls on in
A humanoid robot, which resembles the classic character from Lost in Space, has become the first of its kind to hit the New Zealand market.

Ants board the International Space Station
A colony of ants have set up home in the International Space Station as part of an experiment to see how their behavior changes in an environment of low gravity.

City air to go under microscope
Does working in a high-rise building or spending a lot of time downtown expose you more to dust-borne bugs?

Digital playtime can be beneficial
Young kids who use an iPad or other touch-screen device can get the same benefits as physical play, new research indicates - although the type of virtual activity is crucial.

Kiwi's amazing killer whale craft
Kiwiboatbuilder Rob Innes has helped construct a line of supercharged vessels that look like sharks, dolphins or killer whales.

Ship stuck in Antarctic ice arrives in NZ
The Russian ship that became stuck in Antarctic ice for two weeks has sailed into a New Zealand harbour.

Businesses want R&D incentives
Kiwi businesses are calling for more research and development incentives from the Government, as the election looms later this year.

Wearable computer ready
Despite whatever else 2014 enters the history books for, it's likely to be remembered as the year that saw the birth of everyday wearable computing.

GM material sent out of NZ illegally
Genetically modified organisms were illegally sent out of the country by University of Auckland staff.

Colander-wearing Pastafarian sworn in as councillor
Pastafarian minister Christopher Schaeffer was sworn into the Pomfret New York Town Councilwith a colander on his head throughout the ceremony to represent his unique religious beliefs.

Paint a virus to death
An Auckland scientist has invented molecules that can attach themselves to any surface in a few minutes and modify every type of cell or virus.

Sea floor map stuns experts
Revelations from 3D imaging study may prompt rethink on origins of vast underwater ridge east of Auckland.

Solving the DNA jigsaw
Massey University researchers are painstakingly unravelling DNA sequences in the hope of gaining valuable insight into the causes of cancer.

Kiwi a step nearer to Mars
Pre-school teacher Nicola Fahey is one of just 0.5 per cent chosen from the original pool of people who put their hands up for a one-way ticket.

Chimps make friends like humans do - study
The ability to make friends with those who have similar personality traits dates back to when chimps and humans were on similar evolutionary paths, scientists say.

How we're eating our way to early death
It's a frightening figure - 11 per cent of early deaths in NZ are due to poor nutrition and obesity. So what can be done to reverse the trend?

Obesity study targets kindies
Early childhood education centres are targeted in a new study examining some of the root causes of NZ's growing obesity problem.

Kiwis rescued from Antarctic ice
All 52 passengers, including six Kiwis, from a ship trapped in thick Antarctic ice, have been helicoptered off.

Antarctic evacuation under way
Passengers aboard the Akademik Shokalskiy are now being evacuated from the research ship that has been stuck in Antarctic sea ice for more than a week.