Killer shark bit both legs off
“He lost both his legs," says a local after a killer shark apparently came out of nowhere and attacked a man off a NSW beach.
“He lost both his legs," says a local after a killer shark apparently came out of nowhere and attacked a man off a NSW beach.
Gisborne Police and the Fire Service had not received any call outs for damage related to the earthquake.
In a major breakthrough, Kiwi scientists have helped reveal the clearest picture yet of what happens deep under the Earth, transforming understanding of tectonic plates.
A year ago I started subscribing to Scientific American, a publication my older brother has read for years.
Former director of Florida’s Kennedy Space Centre Jim Kennedy spent almost 40 years with Nasa. The retiree now travels, speaking on leadership.
'Eat butter. Scientists labelled fat the enemy. Why they were wrong" was the headline on a Time magazine cover last year.
Kiwi scientists have found a curious new way to combat obesity and Type 2 Diabetes in an antioxidant linked to Chinese medicine.
Chemical changes in DNA can help us understand people’s “biological age” - a measure of how old their body is that seems to be able to predict when people are going to die.
We tell 10 lies every week — but what’s the reasoning behind so many untruths, asks Olivia Goldhill.
Eleven great white sharks have been spotted at a single site in the Kaipara Harbour - the largest concentration of the species yet seen in the upper North Island.
Two-thirds of more than 160 monitored river swimming sites in NZ have been deemed unsafe for a dip. Where are the worst spots?
An innovative concept which would override the damaging brain patterns of Parkinson's disease could give new hope to sufferers.
Cutting-edge laser technology that can quickly build a 3D model of a crime scene will bring new clarity to New Zealand courtrooms.
A new laser that can build a 3D colour image of crime scenes will bring new clarity to New Zealand courtrooms.
Being a teacher doesn't just mean losing your patience with unruly pupils - it can also mean losing your voice.
There’s always one in a crowd, a person mosquitoes seem to target more than others. What is it about these unlucky chosen few that makes them mosquito magnets?
Scientists believe the genetic profiles of cats contain crucial clues about diseases to which humans and felines are both susceptible.
The humble golf ball is possibly the most mistreated object in all of sport.
NZ researchers have created a machine with the potential to accurately predict strokes, help the paralysed to move and to perform Jedi mind tricks.
Series of photographs taken over 10 years reveals huge changes to one of New Zealand’s most famous landmarks.
A giant doorway to another galaxy may exist at the centre of the Milky Way, a study suggests.
Nearly all fish oil supplements marketed in NZ contain much less of the brain-boosting omega-3 fatty acids than their labels claim.
It's midnight, you've been trying to sleep for a couple of hours and you're still sweaty and awake. Sound familiar this summer?
A popular muscle-boosting dietary supplement could also be used to protect our brains, New Zealand scientists have found.
Dramatic geothermal landscape of Waimangu volcanic rift valley a miniature Mars for space buggy inspired by next robotic rover Nasa plans to land on red planet.
Fat supplies found in a woman's thighs and buttocks are needed to develop babies' brains, scientists have claimed.
It IS rocket science - and Auckland-based Rocket Lab has about 35 jobs to fill as it shoots for it s first flight at the end of the year.
It's being described as a war, an arms race, an unseen struggle where the stakes are being raised and the weapons redefined each minute - the war a faceless cyber-criminal.