The NZ brain behind big breakthrough
As news of the biggest scientific breakthrough in recent times broke today, a retired Bay of Plenty resident sat down and read the headlines with excitement.
As news of the biggest scientific breakthrough in recent times broke today, a retired Bay of Plenty resident sat down and read the headlines with excitement.
As news of the biggest scientific breakthrough in recent times broke early this morning, a retired Bay of Plenty resident sat down and read the headlines with excitement.
The discovery of gravity waves could "revolutionise astronomy", says Professor Stephen Hawking.
The announcement that gravitational waves have been directly captured for the first time, from the collision of two black holes, opens a new age of astronomy, writes Dr David Wiltshire.
After decades of effort scientists have succeeded in detecting gravitational waves from the violent merging of two black holes in deep space.
Scientists announced Thursday that, after decades of effort, they have succeeded in detecting gravitational waves from the violent merging of two black holes in deep space.
The hotly-anticipated confirmation of "ripples" wiggling through the fabric of space-time would be one of the most important discoveries of the past century: NZ physicist.
Like a zombie, the Milky Way galaxy may already be dead but it still keeps going.
Scientists have found a long-awaited explanation as to why humans have for centuries maintained orderly societies: the fear of an angry god.
Queen Elizabeth has it. So does fashion designer Victoria Beckham. And actress Kristen Stewart - poor thing, she's practically the poster girl.
How good's your eyesight? This optical illusion could reveal if you need glasses.
Microbiologist Adam Roberts went digging through men's beards in search of poop.
The moon can influence the rainfall on Earth, scientists have found.
A British astronaut has tweeted epic photos of New Zealand from space on his Twitter account.
New drug could 'have profound effects on healthspan and lifespan' say scientists.
British scientists have received official permission to genetically modify human embryos.
Some wrong ideas are innocuous, but others can do the world serious harm.
It's probably not the news a wife or partner wants to hear, but science reveals why male bonding is good for men's health.
Physicist Andreas Wahl set out to show bullets travel at a much slower speed underwater by allowing a submerged gun to be fired directly at him.
Physicist Andreas Wahl stood in front of a gun at point blank range to show what happens to bullet velocity under water.
Humans aren't going to last forever, no species ever has. It's hard for me to believe there's anything afterwards.
Is there truth in the adage about your wife becoming your mother-in-law?
A scientist has looked into how long it would take for the secrets of major conspiracies to leak, if the events were indeed fake.
The Cavendish banana is facing extinction from a deadly fungus and may have to be genetically engineered into a new variant, experts say.
Scientists analyzing dinosaur fossils believe they've figured out why some had cumbersome horns and frills: to attract mates.
Kiwi scientists are sampling Sub-Antarctic trees to better understand the mysterious Antarctic Convergence.
NASA astronaut Scott Kelly uses hydrophobic paddles to move a ball of water on the International Space Station.