Latest fromScience
Antarctica: Life on the ice
Antarctica is the coldest, most remote and naturally hostile place. What kind of maniac would choose to live there? Jamie Morton went there to find out.
Richard Dawkins suffers stroke
Well-known atheist and biologist has been forced to cancel his upcoming New Zealand tour due to health problems.
The NZ brain behind big breakthrough
As news of the biggest scientific breakthrough in recent times broke today, a retired Bay of Plenty resident sat down and read the headlines with excitement.
Professor Roy Kerr on the big scientific breakthrough
As news of the biggest scientific breakthrough in recent times broke early this morning, a retired Bay of Plenty resident sat down and read the headlines with excitement.
Gravitational waves: Stephen Hawking celebrates discovery
The discovery of gravity waves could "revolutionise astronomy", says Professor Stephen Hawking.
Triumphant new age of astronomy
The announcement that gravitational waves have been directly captured for the first time, from the collision of two black holes, opens a new age of astronomy, writes Dr David Wiltshire.
Einstein was right! Here's the proof
After decades of effort scientists have succeeded in detecting gravitational waves from the violent merging of two black holes in deep space.
Kevin Schawinski: Living in a zombie galaxy
Like a zombie, the Milky Way galaxy may already be dead but it still keeps going.
Fear of God: It's what makes us nicer
Scientists have found a long-awaited explanation as to why humans have for centuries maintained orderly societies: the fear of an angry god.
Babies who develop early: Geniuses in the making?
Does learning to walk and talk early signal academic excellence in adulthood?
Science & Tech: Heart disease
Heart disease kills more people in New Zealand than in most other OECD countries, according to a recent international OECD health report.
'Resting Bitch Face' is real
Queen Elizabeth has it. So does fashion designer Victoria Beckham. And actress Kristen Stewart - poor thing, she's practically the poster girl.
Which face do you see? Image reveals eye strength
How good's your eyesight? This optical illusion could reveal if you need glasses.
Beards may hold future antibiotics
Microbiologist Adam Roberts went digging through men's beards in search of poop.
Full moon means no umbrella
The moon can influence the rainfall on Earth, scientists have found.
Brits get nod for human gene editing
British scientists have received official permission to genetically modify human embryos.
Hate mornings? Why coffee won't help you
Morning grumpiness has long been attributed to a lack of coffee, but new research has cast doubt on whether a caffeine fix can lighten your mood.
What can mend broken hearts?
By encouraging the belief that personality can change and develop over time, we may be able to help people exorcise the ghosts of their romantic pasts.
Truth is never a matter of opinion
Some wrong ideas are innocuous, but others can do the world serious harm.
Why men need 'boys' nights' - study
It's probably not the news a wife or partner wants to hear, but science reveals why male bonding is good for men's health.
Watch: Physicist fires gun at himself under water
Physicist Andreas Wahl set out to show bullets travel at a much slower speed underwater by allowing a submerged gun to be fired directly at him.
Physicist proves point in horrifying way
Physicist Andreas Wahl stood in front of a gun at point blank range to show what happens to bullet velocity under water.
Twelve Questions: Alexei Drummond
Humans aren't going to last forever, no species ever has. It's hard for me to believe there's anything afterwards.
How women turn into their mothers
Is there truth in the adage about your wife becoming your mother-in-law?
Conspiracies: How would it stay secret?
A scientist has looked into how long it would take for the secrets of major conspiracies to leak, if the events were indeed fake.