Why volcanoes are 'so cool'
Collating data on eruptions, earthquakes and gas emissions promise new predictive tools.
Collating data on eruptions, earthquakes and gas emissions promise new predictive tools.
The potential environmental impacts of controversial off-shore mining will be investigated in a new multi-million dollar study.
COMMENT: Baby talk plays an important role in development and babies prefer it to other types of speech.
Sarah Kessans spent the "best week of her life" at a Nasa training centre in Texas.
COMMENT: Following the recall of faulty airbags by Japanese manufacturer Takata, it's timely to look at the science behind these livesaving devices.
Scientists have just discovered a new species of heavyweight shark - but we're 20 million years too late to have seen it.
A visiting world-renowned expert on childhood behavioural disorders is set to share insights into how kids' sleep problems can hurt their academic performance and later success in life.
Kiwi food company's product range includes wild ants, huhu grubs, locusts and cricket powder.
A new million-dollar study could deliver the key to the Government's bold bid to clear the nation of pest predators by 2050.
Scientists have revealed new insights into the ancestors of Maori, confirming that the first people to settle in Pacific were from Asian farming groups.
A new study on the nature of creepiness reveals the most disconcerting behavioural traits and the world's most creepy occupations.
Killing off all rats, stoats and possums in New Zealand will require novel methods including genetic engineering, Govt has been told.
COMMENT: For the past several months, creepy clowns have been terrorising America, with sightings of actual clowns in at least 10 different states.
One hundred thousand kiwi could be scratching around our bush by 2030, under plans unveiled by the Government today.
The Rosetta spacecraft has crashed into Comet 67P, ending a 12-year mission and providing unique close ups of the surface.
Most of us are confused about diet because we're always trying to pin the blame on one nutrient, says an expert.
The idea of aliens having already visited Earth is "improbable, impossible, mind boggling" for many. That's why these guys stick together.
Smoking is now much more of a rarity thanks to amendments in the smoke-free Environments Act and new 10 per cent a year tax rise.
A renowned visiting psychologist is set to delve into why most of us put up with social inequality.
It's a real thing: Attractiveness is boosted by appearing next to those less good-looking
Two New Zealand universities are among the top 100 in the world for these subjects...
COMMENT: While some news stories tell us NZ bee numbers are plummeting, others say hive numbers have doubled. Which are correct?
If there was any doubt Mt Maunganui is a surfer's paradise, one only had to check out the gnarly clouds hanging above it yesterday.
Wellington's leaders officially announced their plans to make the city the world's first predator-free capital. Should Auckland follow suit?
A new $8.5 million study targets "extreme fire" - a fast-moving mass of heat and flames spewing burning embers and behaving in ways that firefighters aren't used to.
A new study will reveal the true threat NZ faces from an offshore area that may trigger massive quakes and tsunamis.
Researchers testing chemical compounds for motor neurone disease treatment.
Pigeons get a bad rap for coating city squares with droppings and otherwise making themselves a nuisance - but thanks to Kiwi research, no one can now call them dumb.
It wasn't long ago that school projects were completed by students referencing an encyclopedia source that they could quote in their bibliography.
The East Coast Lab has been launched to research New Zealand’s least understood subduction zone, the Hikurangi Trough. Made with funding from NZ on Air