NanoGirl: Home grown tomatoes taste sensation
COMMENT: With Labour Day approaching, gardeners traditionally mark this weekend as the best time of the year to safely plant out tomato seedlings.
COMMENT: With Labour Day approaching, gardeners traditionally mark this weekend as the best time of the year to safely plant out tomato seedlings.
If the mere thought of the dentist's chair makes you shudder, it might be your parents' fault.
Astronomers can't see "Planet Nine". But it makes its presence known.
The finding offers more evidence that the hypothetical giant planet does lurk at the outer edge of our solar system.
A brand of kiwifruit that helped the industry battle back from the Psa-V crisis has been acknowledged with two honours at the NZ Innovation Awards.
Researchers have created a model to reveal how climate change could combine the same weather patterns that led to a $1.3 billion drought.
For years, world leaders have been arguing over the best way to protect the Southern Ocean from threats like pollution and overfishing.
New images from exploration voyages show how weird and wild it is under the sea.
Scientists face a tense night as they desperately wait for a response from their probe to Mars.
The recent cold southerlies aside, 2016 is well on the way to become Earth's hottest year ever, say Nasa scientists.
For as long as there have been lights in the night sky, humans have been coming up with names for them.
The Government has been accused of gutting a major longitudinal study tracking the experiences of kids growing up in New Zealand, after a funding cut resulted in the number of its participants being slashed by two thirds.
Global interest in a Kiwi company's anti-aging drug is ramping up, with three major clinical trials now under way to test it against a range of ailments.
As tomatoes come in to season, research reveals the common place you shouldn't store them - unless you're hell bent on killing their flavour.
The powerful combination of two vitamins could be a hidden key to curing human diseases through regenerative medicine.
A walk after a meal could help people with type-2 diabetes better manage their blood-sugar levels, new research has found.
White blooms of plankton appearing east of New Zealand suggest the ocean is responding to climate change.
A Massey Uni researcher is adamant he's not studying surf rage as an excuse to hit the water and says the aggressive behaviour is common on NZ water.
Internet sensation Jamie Curry is teaming up with a top Kiwi journalist for an adventure to the coldest, driest, windiest continent on the planet.
As top Kiwi scientists fly south for NZ's 60th research season in Antarctica, Jamie Morton takes a look at some of the fascinating studies planned.
“Medicinal cannabis prices are set to tumble after the Government approved a new Canadian product, for an Auckland woman. Campaigners say high costs and inaccessibility have driven tens of thousands of pain sufferers to the black market for medical marijuana. A handful of law-abiding patients have been paying more than $1000 a month for the only legal alternative.”
Professor Craig Cary, director of the Waikato University-based International Centre for Terrestrial Antarctic Research (ICTAR), is leading a new study investigating how a changing climate and human impacts are affecting Antarctica's famous Dry Valleys.
As stories of sinister clown encounters surface in NZ and around the world, sociologists talk to Russell Blackstock about what is driving this dark fad.
COMMENT: How on earth do these findings translate to people who drink gin, coffee or beer being probable psychopaths? Quite simply, they don't.
COMMENT: This week I ate a 3D printed pancake. The printer used standard pancake batter as its "ink" and printed it on to a non-stick hot-plate.
Outgoing US President Barack Obama has revived calls to send humans to Mars by 2030s - but even if astronauts get there, would they remember much of it?
Rocket Lab founder Peter Beck has been crowned EY New Zealand entrepreneur of the year.
"Somebody was walking through this exact spot, at this moment in time, thousands of years ago," said scientist Kevin Hatala.
This bizarre virus infects bacteria that infect spiders. It makes a spider-bacteria-virus-spider turducken.
VILLAGE SCIENCE: Te Whakarewarewa Village Charitable Trust chairman James Warbrick with an air sampling cartridge, along with village