'Super-agers' have Alzheimer's - with no symptoms
Some people are naturally immune to the symptoms of Alzheimer's even when they have the disease, scientists have found.
Some people are naturally immune to the symptoms of Alzheimer's even when they have the disease, scientists have found.
Kaikoura's tourism industry fears for the future after this week's quake raised the seabed by at least a metre.
Scientists have deep-dived inside two huge Martian craters they say hold the key to discovering signs of life there.
Associate Professor Sarb Johal of Massey University's School of Psychology shares some tips on how to cope with quake-related stress and anxiety.
Could Monday's quake trigger a sleeper tsunami or an Alpine Fault quake? Are we living in an era of quakes? Science reporter Jamie Morton tackles the big questions.
A common beauty ingredient has been found to cause potential problems for our skin.
Could a glass of beer a day help you live longer? The signs are certainly encouraging!
Preliminary modelling suggests that the earthquake was caused by a rupture of a northeast-striking fault t, but this may be a more complex event.
Microbiologist Steve Pointing has searched for life in the world's most extreme deserts. His findings will help Nasa prove that life once existed on Mars.
International scientists are intrigued at the complexity of the suspected twin quakes that rattled New Zealand overnight.
GNS Science seismologist Dr John Ristau has answered your earthquake questions in a live chat.
Even the Large Hadron Collider - 18,000km away in Switzerland - reported "feeling" the earthquake.
Join Tristram Clayton as he talks to GNS Science seismologist John Ristau on the South Island earthquake.
Visit any major urban centre today and you are likely to be confronted with hundreds of people walking with their heads down as they fiddle with phones.
Kiwi experts are on the front lines fighting the "antibiotic apocalypse".
COMMENT: How social media is shaping political debate as the public square migrates online.
In 1970s, some of NZ's leading thinkers were correctly predicting a future of smartphones, broadband and HDTVs. Did we stop trying to gaze beyond horizon?
Australasia's first Exponential Technology summit organiser Kaila Colbin shares five things she expects to see in the not-too-distant future.
The countdown has begun in earnest for a Kiwi dad who wants to boldly go where no man has gone before - Mars.
On Monday the largest supermoon in almost 70 years will light up the night sky ... but Tuesday night might bring the most spectacular New Zealand moonrise.
A world-famous thinker says New Zealand could be the "Athens of the modern world".
Efforts to tackle a major eye problem that can lead to blindness could be boosted by a world-first Kiwi study into newly discovered and potentially game-changing adult stem cells.
Do you have superior face recognition skills? If so, you might be able to help police solve crimes.
A National Geographic documentary series following Kiwi scientists in Antarctica premiered at Scott Base and in Christchurch this evening.
Source: YouTube: TedEd. The bizarre and often grotesque way some parasites brainwash their victims — then often force them to kill themselves — will be explored in a new $830,000 Kiwi study.
A clever tracking innovation dubbed DroneCounts, combining the use of drones with radio tags and pioneered by a pair of Kiwis, has scooped a major conservation award. The prototype Duckatron is used to locate a pateke in Habitat Te Henga, in the Waitakere Ranges
A clever tracking innovation, combining the use of drones with radio tags and dubbed DroneCounts, has scooped a major conservation award.
Horror parasites brainwash their victims, driving them to kill themselves. And they're in your backyard.
Ever had a near-death experience? A Massey University psychologist wants to hear from you.
For the first time, scientists will construct a detailed picture stretching back more than 500 years of how we've affected our most important fisheries species - potentially genetically.