Doctors able to read mind of patients
Scientists have developed mind-reading technology that can understand people's thoughts.
Scientists have developed mind-reading technology that can understand people's thoughts.
International scientists have claimed the 7.8 Kaikoura quake has raised the potential threat of another large NZ event - but a Kiwi scientist says that's unlikely.
Mining on the moon has moved a step closer and billionaire Peter Thiel, along with Kiwi firm Rocket Labs, are at the forefront of making history.
COMMENT: What are the big five applications that explain the proliferation of drones over this period?
A new fellowship has been launched to attract global "visionary entrepreneurs" to New Zealand with up to 400 spaces available.
A Kiwi scientist has unexpectedly discovered what appears to be a huge undersea volcanic eruption near the main island of Tonga.
Researchers have pooled results from a number of studies on deception to establish the fail safe ways to determine if someone is telling the truth.
Top researchers team up with police, drawing on analytical skills to detect, prevent and disrupt unlawful acts.
A new report warns a parasite commonly found in cat faeces alters the chemistry of the human brain, making it fertile ground for Alzheimer's to take hold.
Scientists just back from an annual white-capped albatross census in the remote and windswept subantarctic islands are hopeful for the welfare of the iconic endemic seabirds.
The number of unprovoked shark attacks across the world fell last year, in the wake of a record figure in 2015 that scientists partly put down to warmers waters created by a strong El Nino system.
Is there a cure for fake news? New research has found that misinformation on climate change can psychologically cancel out the influence of accurate statements.
Ground-breaking science cured a baby who doctors said had only weeks to live. But are we saving lives or designing children? Madhumita Murgia reports.
Scientists have called for a crackdown on doping in chess after it emerged players may be taking performance-enhancing substances.
A successful blend of human and pig cells may improve chances for for human organ transplants.
A Doomsday Clock, which symbolises the current threat of global annihilation, is expected to be moved closer to midnight by scientists.
An Auckland-based doctor's ground-breaking research - involving lab-cultivated, living, beating heart cells - could land a blow against a major killer of Kiwi children.
Dr Annika Winbo from Auckland Hospital who is doing research into cardiac inherited diseases
Today marks six months since the Government announced an ambitious plan to rid New Zealand of pest predators by 2050. Is the concept possible, or even safe?
Scientists create a prototype for a 3D bio-printer that is capable of printing functional human skins.
Scientists have found an intriguing new way to peer into the fiery belly of New Zealand's hottest island.
Kiwi scientists have helped gauge the power of a promising new drug to treat a rare, fatal disease in children.
The state of our rivers and lakes has predictably come under intensified focus this summer, as Kiwis head to their favourite watering holes.
Carrie Fisher's iconic character held special resonance for many protesters.
New movie Hidden Figures tells the story of African-American women who played a crucial role in NASA's early space missions. Does NZ science have its own diversity problem?
COMMENT: Storms, high winds, heavy rain and even ice... What has happened to summer and will it improve. WeatherWatch head analyst Phil Duncan explains.
Think twice before using your toothbrush... it's covered in millions of different germs - including faeces.
COMMENT: I'm glad we finally moved towards banning microbeads, it's been great for the nation to have this conversation, late or not.
Scientists have inflicted upon a new species of moth a name Democrats would argue is decidedly cruel: Neopalpa donaldtrumpi.
Women regret one-night stands; men want more of them.