Incredible new submarine volcanoes
Kiwi scientists have helped discover new volcanoes beneath the Pacific Ocean.
Kiwi scientists have helped discover new volcanoes beneath the Pacific Ocean.
Scientists suggest a laser-based approach could test the quality fish oil supplements.
A Kiwi company will use a high-tech buoy to record some of the largest waves ever seen.
An Auckland photographer captured the weekend's aurora spectacle over the Manukau Heads.
The March for Science in Washington DC saw a crowd of thousands walking the National Mall.
Scientists march in defence of science from politicians.
Concerns about bacteria in Havelock water supply raised two months before E. coli outbreak
People under the influence of psychedelic drugs attain a "higher" state of consciousness.
Professor Sir Peter Gluckman discusses tomorrow's worldwide March for Science.
Well-known Kiwi scientists discuss why they'll be out marching this Saturday.
NZ cosmologist Professor Richard Easther talks gravity with science writer Marcus Chown.
WATCH: A woman stumbles across creepy crawly find in Christchurch.
Could brain scans place a suspect at a crime scene? Science says yes.
Scientists found injecting blood from umbilical cords of babies restores brain function.
Scientists have found a black five-foot-long worm that has intrigued humans for centuries.
LegaSea Hawke's Bay wants MPI to increase restrictions. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
If it feels like it's been the most rain-soaked April ever, weather books have the proof.
NASA has again postponed the Wanaka launch of a huge balloon planned to study "near space"
COMMENT: Anti-vaccination conspiracy theories put our children at risk, says Nanogirl.
Researchers get the first look at the link between touchscreens and sleep in babies.
Scientists invented a water harvester that could consign droughts to history.
Researchers have discovered a trend, peaking at the Easter period.
The ability to make random choices peaks around age 25, a French study has found.
Warm seas under the surface of Saturn moon Enceladus could be teeming with life.
Why do so many New Zealand communities lie in flood zones? An expert explains.