Mid-air turbulence set to triple due to climate change
Scientists estimate that by 2050 the rate of inflight injuries will have almost tripled.
Scientists estimate that by 2050 the rate of inflight injuries will have almost tripled.
Kiwi scientists have hailed the Nobel-winning team behind a landmark cosmic discovery.
English philosopher Jeremy Bentham's mummified head is going on display in London.
A vitamin-mineral treatment could help kids with ADHD, new Kiwi-led research suggests.
COMMENT: AI can predict whether your relationship will last based on how you speak.
Genetically modified approaches to fighting malaria succeed in new tests.
Could artificial intelligence mean better grape harvests for Kiwi winegrowers?
Could a volcanic eruption in Bali mean a cooler spring and summer for New Zealand?
Eric Dahlstrom and Emeline Paat-Dahlstrom aim to help build a space industry in NZ.
Scientists claim these foods will ward off hunger pangs and keep your diet on track.
People are trying to beat cancer with alternative medicine, and are dying in the process.
Zealandia was shallow enough to have pathways for animals and plants.
A NZ study bringing augmented reality to spectators could change the way we watch sports.
Why are our kea so curious? Researchers think they might be learning - just as infants do.
Fears that spontaneous mountainside collapse would kill hut occupants
Some sports supplements sold here and in Australia contain undeclared anabolic steroids.
What if we flipped the paradigm and fed methane to cattle? Scientists explain the case.
We're constantly told to prepare for disaster - but what if we can't afford to?
Giant meteorites may have triggered our planet's tectonic processes and magnetic field.
Star Trek's disease-scanning "tricorder" could soon become reality with a new Kiwi study.
When it comes to forecasting major quakes, the answers might lie hidden in our past.
2017 is proving a sizzler for Australia - so where the bloody hell is its climate action?
Can dogs detect lung cancer? A new Kiwi study seeks to get some answers.
Ice Fernz captain Dr Helen Murray is determined to keep up both research and sport
Combining blueberries with colourful cousins bilberries could yield a new superfruit.
Could we breed better bees? That's the goal of a new $6.3m genetic study.
Rich resources of oil and gas could lie trapped inside volcanoes buried off our coasts.
Personal flying pods, space tourism and invisibility cloaks are among the list.