Did a space storm add to Auckland's fuel crisis?
Geomagnetic storms could be corroding underground pipes, researchers say.
Geomagnetic storms could be corroding underground pipes, researchers say.
It's been called a slow-moving crisis. How will NZ deal with rising seas that threaten it?
Correlation of sea lion decline to squid fishery not so clear-cut, scientists say.
A2 milk prevents some symptoms of dairy intolerance and eases others, Kiwi research shows.
Divers around the world offer insights into how climate change might affect our oceans.
This animation captures phenomena observed over the course of nine days following the neutron star merger known as GW170817. Video / NASA
Can we control our dreams? New research suggests we can manipulate the experience.
Famous thinkers Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss will visit New Zealand next year.
Taranaki programme tailored for obese kids has delivered some promising results.
What could a change of government mean for New Zealand's environment and science sectors?
You may be grateful for the cleaner windscreen but it's a symptom of a worrying trend.
A sweeping Government stocktake out today warns of shifting temperatures and rising seas.
A world-first DNA feat by NZ scientists could boost the way we grow the radiata pine.
A top NZ scientist has helped define an intriguing and relatively new chemical element.
One bird's plumage is compared to one of David Bain's infamous jerseys.
A dramatic change in sea ice could hamper a major NZ scientific expedition in Antarctica.
A researcher was surprised to find traces of a class of pesticides in NZ honey samples.
The fiery, dramatic history of New Zealand's north has been retold by a veteran geologist.
Scientists are to begin a seafloor probe of what's arguably our biggest natural threat.
Auckland is home to many endangered species. Here's how locals can help save 10 of them.
Scientists have picked up cosmic waves created by the collision of two neutron stars.
Auckland University is raising fees and cutting staff to meet a budgetary squeeze
Tens of thousands of by-the-wind-sailors, or velella, first appeared on Blaketown Beach.
The space agency highlights five different lines of evidence pointing to the existence.
Nano-machines injected into humans to heal quicker could become reality within 20 years.
Drug addiction isn't about bad habits, fear of withdrawal... It's about the brain.