Focus: Fighting anti-intellectualism
Professor Brian Cox argues that a lack of education and distrust of facts is the greatest threat to modern society
Professor Brian Cox argues that a lack of education and distrust of facts is the greatest threat to modern society
Fungus spores probably drifted across from Australia.
No longer a thing of science fiction, Professor Brian Cox talks about our next steps as a civilisation.
Popular astrophysicist Professor Brian Cox believes we could be mining in space very soon
Professor Brian Cox is baffled by the anti-vax movement.
An expert's guide to the perfect blow dry using science.
Could 'bio-banking' halt NZ's biodiversity crisis? A new report looks at the concept.
Why are quakes more shaky in some spots than others? The answer lies just under our feet.
Ocean drones will probe the wild Cook Strait in new study dubbed "Project Cookie Monster".
Top surgeon claims "there is no scientific reason why it would not happen".
It's no longer monkeys or dogs, but lots of animals still get sent into space.
Forget unplugging the TV, billionaires have a different plan to solve our energy crisis.
Daydreaming isn't necessarily a bad thing - and may be a sign you're smart and creative.
COMMENT: There is a common myth that sugar feeds cancer - but it feeds all our cells.
Matire Harwood's grandfather once told her she'd be a doctor - a prophecy well fulfilled.
New recordings lay bare the underwater racket created by oil and gas industry's airguns.
We look at 10 of the most exciting new science projects just awarded Marsden Fund grants.
Researchers whose work has saved brain-injured babies have been honoured.
Genetic changes in "junk DNA" may be a missing link between type 2 diabetes and obesity.
Mass coral bleaching may not be a death sentence for all of the reef systems it touches.
COMMENT: Researchers have produced pigs with 24 per cent less body fat than normal pigs.
Ever wonder where our fear of snakes and spiders comes from?
Alcohol helps you speak foreign languages better, a study find.
Massey University researchers were amazed to see a Great White shark, dubbed 'Kermit' grabbing their underwater camera neat the Kermadec Islands
Much of NZ's sewer networks aren't designed for the potential impacts of climate change.
Strange object spotted plunging around our Sun could be our first interstellar visitor.
Kiwi researchers have helped reveal "probably" the world's oldest known tsunami victim.
Global warming more than a problem for planet. It will hurt us personally too.
Innovation experts welcome new govt's high R&D target - but say it won't be easy to meet.
A prized species of salmon could help scientists solve mysteries about human reproduction.