NZ living wage needs urgent look: researchers
What could an NZ living wage look like? Researchers are now investigating the concept.
What could an NZ living wage look like? Researchers are now investigating the concept.
New Zealand scientists have found a new hope against a tide of invasive pests.
It's a test that was used to uncover and fight racism - but it might have been lying to us
Ancient Greeks knew the Earth was round, so why do so many celebrities think it's flat?
Was St Nicholas a legend or was he a real person? Scientists have evidence for the latter.
Would you like some yeast and salt with your ice-cream?
NZ doesn't have a co-ordinated plan to adapt to future climate change, Govt report finds.
Nasa has announced it has found a new exoplanet in the Kepler star system.
He says that a broken alien spacecraft would move the same way as the interstellar comet.
A NZ astrophysicist has shed new light on the 'binge-eating' habits of exhausted stars.
Quest for the latest smartphone or computer is driving increase in electronic junk.
Could this finally be our first close encounter that we have waited our whole lives for?
How has our country warped and stretched this decade? Scientists are about to find out.
The optical illusion which might just send you round the bend.
An arborist was called in to rescue Space Teddy, who was stuck up a tree on Waiheke Island
Alien-hunting scientists will scan the comet this week before it becomes out of reach.
A young researcher is unravelling what could prove a crucial part of Alzheimer's disease.
All NZ manuka honey for export will have to be tested as authentic under new MPI rules.
NZ-led team find what could be vital clue to treating Huntington's Disease for first time.
The map shows how much of New Zealand is uninhabited - which is a large proportion of it.
Planets that were not even considered candidates to host alien life may be reanalysed.
COMMENT: For baby's brain to benefit, read the right books at the right time.
COMMENT: Degradable composites and recycling could lessen pollution.
The fearsome roar of T-Rex has left many a cinema-goer quaking in their seat.
It's the Kiwi teddy bear's second space mission ... this time aiming for a world record.
The oceans cover 70 per cent of the surface of our planet yet they are the least explored.
An asteroid that could have obliterated a large city skimmed past Earth at 9km/s.
Scientists have now captured the Worldwide Hum deep in the ocean for the first time.
Continent of Zealandia was always there. Why did it take a century to prove it?