Scientists show DNA tests can predict intelligence
DNA tests can predict intelligence, scientists show for first time.
DNA tests can predict intelligence, scientists show for first time.
Microplastic pollution is a lot worse than initially thought, experts have confirmed.
Scientists aim to better understand the habitat and movements of the little flying mammal.
NZ's leading science body joins unprecedented Commonwealth call for climate action.
One of Auckland university's more than a dozen drugs to have reached clinical trial stage.
Scientists reveal new insights into a culture regarded as Polynesians' ancient ancestors.
University insights find there's a glaring lack of diversity in the robot world.
Suspecting natural fibres are better for skin than synthetic ones isn't woolly thinking.
The University of Auckland will look at how land is moving on 10 slopes around the city.
It could kill thousands, but there's much about our main geological threat we don't know.
OPINION: Understanding how tattoos remain in skin could help develop removal techniques.
NZ among countries investing in "space-breaking" project.
Kiwi scientists return from Antarctica with important new climate-change insights.
World first horsetail weed control with weevils. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Experts say there are three reasons why NZ may be hit again. Jamie Morton explains.
Lawrence Krauss was due to speak on a double-bill with Richard Dawkins in May.
Scientists set to install listening posts deep in the high-risk Hikurangi Subduction Zone.
Where do assaults happen in NZ and what's that got to do with bars and deprivation?
A molecule just identified by NZ scientists could boost our bodies' response to vaccines.
Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking says he knows what happened before the dawn of time.
Does being more sickened by other people's smells make you more likely a Trump supporter?
COMMENT: Eating too many calories is one of the major contributors to weight gain.
Slow action and conflict are dogging efforts to stop the Hauraki Gulf's steady decline.
Those drawn to leaders like Trump more likely to wrinkle noses at unpleasant body odour.
COMMENT: Rash of signs may at last prod council and public into fixing the issue.
COMMENT: The "evidence" suggesting cats are killing our native birds is shonky.
New trial investigates whether fish oil in pregnancy can combat weight problems in kids.
Life on Mars is feasible after discovering bacteria living in the driest place on Earth.