The Kiwi teen who made the Queen laugh
Alexia Hilbertidou on how she got a right royal giggle out of Her Majesty.
Alexia Hilbertidou on how she got a right royal giggle out of Her Majesty.
Scientists have revealed dramatic new insights into the effects of 2016's big quake.
New science adviser Professor Juliet Gerrard discusses her hopes and aims for the role.
Outgoing PM's science adviser Sir Peter Gluckman reflects on his decade in the top role.
Would you send a photo of your penis for scientific research?
Neuroscientist's discovery reveals difference between male and female brains.
It may be the first time the event has been captured from New Zealand.
An acclaimed Māori astronomer is heartened to see more Kiwis celebrating Matariki.
Conference gives opportunity to learn more about the possibility of life outside of Earth.
Two inspirational women in Stem share insights about working in a male-dominated field.
Is there a difference between online trolls and cyber-bullies? It turns out there is.
"Restrictive by default" guidelines are holding back crucial NZ studies, researchers say.
The bacterium behind gonorrhoea has grown resistant to many common antibiotics.
While most of us have experienced it, the science around turbulence isn't well understood.
Kiwi scientists have used DNA to find out how the first pooches arrived in the Pacific.
Study co-authored by Kiwi singled out among 250 findings that could "help change world".
A new Wellington study has highlighted the confusion that followed the Kaikoura quake.
Big days and countless media interviews are all part of a Nessie-hunting scientist's work.
Breakthrough could point the way to stopping the spread of genes that pose a threat to us.
A new report is good news for the greenfinch - but worrying for the tiny waxeye.
Video game "loot boxes" with random rewards inside could be triggering gambling habits.
Lead - at safe levels - was found in the blood of all Kiwis surveyed in a major new study.
If these things more than annoy you, then you may be suffering from this condition.
Another potential problem posed for low-lying tropical islands under climate change.
Scientists beam recording of the cosmologist's voice to nearest black hole in space.
You're spoiling for a spat, but all you really need is a sandwich. Why do we get "hangry"?
There's a bigger story to conservation than NZ's predator-free goal, says Phil Seddon.
Ocean swells have been driving a catastrophic disintegration of Antarctic ice shelves.