Huge turnout for sisters killed by tsunami
The father of two young women swept to their deaths by the Samoan tsunami told their funeral yesterday they would have "fought hard".
The father of two young women swept to their deaths by the Samoan tsunami told their funeral yesterday they would have "fought hard".
A premature baby born in Samoa after his pregnant mother fled the tsunami is back in Auckland and about to undergo surgery.
Today is a national day of mourning in Samoa as they bury the dead in a mass funeral.
Heavyweight boxer David Tua stands solemnly at the beach he knows well, looking defeated at the devastation the tsunami left behind.
The NZ volunteer firefighter killed while alerting people in Samoa to last week's tsunami has been remembered in Apia.
A baby born prematurely after his mother fled the tsunami may die in Samoa if his parents can't raise $100,000 needed to fly him back to NZ.
Radio announcer Epati Tamati may have saved hundreds of lives by not budging from his waterfront studio when the Samoan earthquake struck.
Salamasina Ale Taufua should be dead. She has bruises, deep cuts and welts on her body.
A NZ couple are appealing for former guests of a Lalomanu resort to offer tools and expertise to rebuild it after the tsunami.
A NZ woman whose home and possessions were washed away by the tsunami found the looting that followed tougher to deal with.
The parents of two girls killed in Samoa's tsunami describe their ordeal as New Zealand's death toll rises to seven.