Latest fromSamoa
Govt paying for baby's mercy flight
The Ministry of Health will today send an air ambulance from Auckland on a mercy flight to pick up a baby born prematurely in Samoa.
Mourners farewell beloved firefighter
The NZ volunteer firefighter killed while alerting people in Samoa to last week's tsunami has been remembered in Apia.
Scramble to save baby born after tsunami
A baby born prematurely after his mother fled the tsunami may die in Samoa if his parents can't raise $100,000 needed to fly him back to NZ.
Mother tells of fight to save children taken by tsunami
Salamasina Ale Taufua should be dead. She has bruises, deep cuts and welts on her body.
Regular guests rally to start rebuild
A NZ couple are appealing for former guests of a Lalomanu resort to offer tools and expertise to rebuild it after the tsunami.
Tsunami: Looting hardest to take – NZ victim
A NZ woman whose home and possessions were washed away by the tsunami found the looting that followed tougher to deal with.
Sea no longer the same - tsunami victims' parents
The parents of two girls killed in Samoa's tsunami describe their ordeal as New Zealand's death toll rises to seven.
Tsunami refugees too scared to leave high ground
In the hills above the stricken south coast of Samoa, 49 people are huddled under one tarpaulin.
Desperate actions save baby's life
As the water receded Ioka Fa'aliga-Fauena Yi clutched the body of her lifeless baby, said a prayer and sucked his nose.