Hawke’s Bay Show: Close call in Shears final
Great Raihania Shears, sheep dog trials and farm fencing on show.
Great Raihania Shears, sheep dog trials and farm fencing on show.
The race in which shepherds eat disgusting things has hit a milestone.
An estimated 30,000 people turned out for the show in Hastings this year.
It was looking like a slow start but the 160th anniversary show is underway.
The Hawke's Bay show dates back to 1863 and is still one of NZ's biggest A&P shows.
Te Kūiti, the shearing capital of the world, welcomes back event.
Georgia Denton is trading her gumboots for a gown to raise funds for country communities.
Four of the seven shearing World Record bids are by women.
He was meant to be on the mic but picked up the shears instead.
NZ team failed to win a single title for the first time since the first champs in 1977.
South Island-based German shearer Robin Krause gets finals placing in junior championship.
Shearing and woolhandling action kicks off at the Royal Highland Show in Edinburgh soon.
The event is expected to be held over four days on March 4-7, 2026.
Kiwi team in Scotland for the Golden Shears World Shearing and Woolhandling Championships.
Shearing Sports NZ team manager reckons it would be "difficult but not impossible”.
It's the Hawke's Bay gun's second win in the UK in a week.
This recession is hitting the rural economy hard.
Rowland Smith and Leon Samuels came first and third in Royal Cornwall Show open final.
Two brothers from Hawke's Bay rule ahead of this month's Shearing World Championships
Sheep dog trialist David Scragg put's Wairoa name on the honours board again
Minister Peeni Henare says current projections will see hundreds of jobs generated.
Andrew and Vicky Booth's passion plus outstanding community received special recognition.
The Black Falcons squadron will soar above Feilding this week.
The Masterton 10-year-old is a fourth-generation shearer.
Isolated Māori are not getting enough support to rebuild marae.
Day 2 of Fieldays did not disappoint - check out all the action from in the studio and out in the field with FieldaysTV. Video / Supplied
Gisborne, Wairoa, and Ōpōtiki locals will be first to buy Shepherdess Muster tickets.
The show also plans to use fine woodchips for stable bedding, and bin ambassadors.
Māori beef and lamb farms have been recognised for their mahi.
Find out more about the Otago/Southland finalist before the Grand Final on July 7.