Latest fromRoyalty

Kiwis to see Kate's baby bump photos
New Zealand Woman's Day is following Australia's lead and publishing controversial photos of pregnant Kate Middleton in a bikini in its next issue.

Aussie mag to run Kate's bikini baby bump snaps
An Australian women's mag has joined an Italian gossip magazine in deciding to print photos of Kate Middleton's bikini baby bump.

Kate's bikini bump snapped
Kate Middleton is facing a fresh set of paparazzi problems after being snapped in a skimpy bikini.

What fun, says the Queen
The Queen dutifully sits through hours of displays of military pomp rehearsed to the second - and secretly loves it when everything goes wrong, Britain's pageant master says.

Kiwi teen meets royalty for award
A 19-year-old Kiwi has had a rare encounter with royalty in London after achieving a prestigious award.

Royal succession concern
Prince Charles has reportedly aired concerns about changes to the rules of royal succession because they could have "unintended" consequences.

Queen goes 3D for Xmas
The Queen looked past scandal that has at times this year shaken the royal family to send out a global thanks to those who helped celebrate her Diamond Jubilee.

Charges possible in royal prank call case
Prosecutors are weighing whether to press charges over a royal hoax call that preceded a nurse's apparent suicide, police said.

Prince Harry kills his first Taliban commander
Prince Harry has killed his first Taliban commander.

Charges possible in royal hoax
Prosecutors are weighing whether to press charges over a royal hoax call that preceded a nurse's apparent suicide.

Dita De Boni: Stuck in a royal timewarp
When Fiji was booted out of the Commonwealth in 2009, the organisation's Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma said he was taking the step "in sorrow".

Royals 'arrogant' over death
Morrissey has blamed the royal family for the death of the hoax call nurse Jacintha Saldanha.

Royal visit cost taxpayers $776,000
The royal couple spent six days in New Zealand last month as part of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Year celebrations.

Patrick Stokes: A futile round in the blame game
This past weekend, we saw the media - old, new, and social - trying to digest the indigestible, writes Patrick Stokes. The death of Jacintha Saldanha.

Photo gallery: Royal visit
Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, are in New Zealand on a Diamond Jubilee visit.

DJ hoax crisis a 'wake-up call'
Prime Minister John Key says it makes sense for the radio industry look at what they do on air following the death of a British nurse.