Latest fromRoyalty

Needy NZ family given prince's cot
Bonny Prince George is back sleeping snugly at Kensington Palace in London but one of NZ's poorest families now has their baby tucked up in a bed fit for a king.

Paul Thomas: Earwax and the royal bum it's sexism at work
What is it with those Middleton women and their bottoms? First it was Pippa stealing the show at the royal wedding in that clinging Alexander McQueen dress.

Kate's bottom exposed again
An Australian newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch has become the second publication to run images of the Duchess of Cambridge's bare bottom in its pages.

Kate's bare behind published
A photograph has appeared of the Duchess of Cambridge’s apparently bare bottom, taken while she was in the NSW Blue Mountains during the recent royal visit.

Prince keen to get back into the air
It was only a year ago that he gave up his wings as a Royal Air Force rescue pilot, but it appears the lure of the skies may be just too tempting for Prince William to resist.

Heiress slaying grips Monaco
The imperturbable world of Monaco, cushioned by wealth, sunshine and secrecy is reeling from a double assault on its two royal families.

Tim Stanley: Comparison of the odious gets it wrong
When Prince Charles compared Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler, in a private conversation in Canada this week, it was far from a first, writes Tim Stanley.

Putin his foot in it? Abdication call
Prince Charles is facing calls to ‘abdicate’ from a British Labour MP after he reportedly compared Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler in relation to his actions in Ukraine.

Eight royal marriage ruptures
In the wake of Prince Harry's split from girlfriend of two years Cressida Bonas, here are eight dramatic royal marriages that didn't survive the years.

When Harry quit Cressy
Prince Harry and Cressida Bonas have ended their two-year relationship after she struggled to deal with the attention of being the girlfriend of the Prince, sources have confirmed to The Daily Telegraph.

Why Duchess wore red in Wellington
The success of a royal tour doesn't stand or fall or on the family's skills - but on the unheralded team of back-room staff who fret over EVERY detail.

Prince George airbrushed
An American magazine has allegedly Photoshopped the face of Prince George in preparation for his latest cover.

Prince George's tour downunder
Check out these cute snaps of Prince George's visit to Australia and New Zealand.
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Royals' surprise appearance
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge made an unexpected appearance at the national dawn service outside the Australian War Memorial in Canberra.

Kate and William dig deep in Canberra
Nine-month-old Prince George did not attend the royals' tree planting at the National Arboretum Canberra but his parents showed they were king and queen of the kids.

Royal DJs start from scratch
It's not the sort of day normally associated with royalty, but the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge gave it their best shot to show they could hang with the cool kids.

Shelley Bridgeman: Aussie outclassed NZ royal visit
It is with some reluctance I admit that the William, Kate and George royal road-show is making Australia look like a dream destination, writes Shelley Bridgeman.

'Eyes with mischievous glint'
The Queen long ago perfected the art of smiling dutifully for the camera.

Prince George's day at the zoo
Prince George has met Bilby George in a successful first official engagement in Australia for the youngest royal.

Wills and Kate charm Aussies
A security guard collapsed. The smell of Dagwood Dogs wafted across the Royal Easter Show. And a fully grown man stood in front of a haunted house screaming, "I love you, William!"

Royal visit: What Kate wore
The Duchess of Cambridge is now an expert at letting her wardrobe do the talking, choosing a series of conservative, and sometimes reworked, ensembles for this tour.

Winemaker toasts its royal boost
There will have been cheers all round at Queenstown's Amisfield winery after William and Kate popped in on Sunday.