Chief satisfied after making Tama's nose bleed
The quiet countryside hides the drama of the past.
The quiet countryside hides the drama of the past.
Work is now under way to strip and dismantle back-country Department of Conservation huts.
We all pay the price when it comes to inaction over alcohol-related harm.
'We're building a whole new mental health system and it does take time' - health minister.
A French traveller was last seen kayaking on Lake Rotorua on Monday.
Crystal Kaua replaces Allan Bunting, who lead the team to the title last year.
The last 28th Māori Battalion soldier has praised the mahi, but says it took too long.
Pilot: 'It felt that we were doing as much as we could but not enough for people.'
Rotorua Museum's single biggest art collection - works by a little-known Dutch painter.
A search for the man is focussed around the Mokoia Island area.
Matenga Hapi, 24, wants to support other Māori into employment.
Rotorua has become a "ghost town" because of the rise of motels serving as housing.
About $17 million in tourism spending has been lost due to 'negative perceptions'.
"Motel rooms are not places for people to grow up. They deserve better than that."
"My family are telling me to move out of town."
Kāhu ki Rotorua: Rollout of marquees signals wrap-up of a year-long project.
A whanau affair, from kohungahunga to koeke getting active around the streets of Koutu.
Kāhu ki Rotorua: Giants once abounded in Waiariki district.
'I just feel so sad for our beautiful city. In two years, this is how it's become.'
Kura Paul-Burke is one of only three Māori marine professors in New Zealand.
Billy Macfarlane's son has admitted running a drug syndicate in Rotorua and Tauranga.
Local hospitality businesses shut down in protest over staff and immigration issues.
'We had to salvage what we could.'
The Rotorua Vintage and Veteran Car Club is working for the future of historic cars.
OPINION: So how does one qualify for their honorary MBA qualification?
Missy Rehu has got off the streets and into housing.
Rotorua teenager Nikau Chater performed with Sol3 Mio at Spark Arena this week.
"I struggle every day - mentally, physically, everything."
A sign Government has let gun crime get out of control, or that it's taking a harder line?
"When the land and water are well – the people will be well."