'Drink driver' sped through crash site
An alleged driver driver caused emergency workers to leap for safety as she sped through a rural crash scene in Waikato.
An alleged driver driver caused emergency workers to leap for safety as she sped through a rural crash scene in Waikato.
A Chinese driver whose rental car collided with another vehicle near Queenstown was a "classic case" of why tourists should sit a driving test, a judge says.
Police have named two Pakistani men who died in a truck crash on the Crown Range Road, Queenstown, yesterday.
The number of fines issued by Auckland parking wardens for unsafe tyres has almost doubled in three years, but some councillors say the practice is 'over the top'.
What a shame Mayor Len Brown doesn't surrender to his inner revolutionary when it comes to Auckland's transport woes.
Auckland Mayor Len Brown has released a plan this morning for a $2 toll to enter the city's motorways. Is this a good idea? Send us Your Views.
A man is dead and three people have been injured in a two-car crash on State Highway 1 in Canterbury.
Work at four of Fletcher Building's main manufacturing plants in Auckland is on hold because of the power cut still affecting the city.
The NZ Transport Agency said was currently heavy on the Northern Motorway into the city, due to the flow on effects from yesterday's powercut.
The morning sun glints off the Sentinel building towering above Takapuna and the citybound traffic is starting to thicken on the harbour bridge as I start up the southern span.
The NZ Transport agency spent almost $11 million on Wellington's $90 million Basin Reserve flyover before the project was shelved earlier this year.
A final report has been released by the independent Board of Inquiry appointed to decide on the flyover proposal for Wellington's Basin Reserve into why it declined resource consent for the $90 million project.
A horde of motorcyclists revved up to Parliament today to protest against ACC fees.
Fans heading to tonight’s Bledisloe clash at Eden Park are facing traffic chaos on Auckland’s motorway after a four car pile-up on a Newmarket off-ramp.
A motorist, who ignored warning lights and drove around level crossing barrier arms at a known blackspot, was seconds away from being hit by a train.
Robert Neale has hit three vehicles at level crossings, resulting in three deaths, in his nine years as a freight train driver.
A long-awaited upgrade to State Highway 1 north of Wellington has moved forward with the award of a major contract.
Drivers with learner or restricted licences will have to progress to the next stage within a five-year time period - or resit the theory test.
Police have resorted to phoning rental companies to remove unsafe tourist drivers from the road.
The National Government's $212 million plan to put a series of hand-picked regional roading projects in the fastlane using asset sales cash is not backed by a strong economic case.
National's $212 million plan to fast-track regional road projects using asset sales cash is not backed by a strong economic case, OIA documents reveal.