Death in the days without seatbelts
Road toll far higher before seatbelts and motorcycle helmets became mandatory.
Road toll far higher before seatbelts and motorcycle helmets became mandatory.
Report says reducing average speeds by 1 per cent would cut road deaths by 4 per cent.
Three times as many people died over the long weekend as last year.
Delays expected as key transport link expected to remain closed much of the day.
The single occupant of the car had sustained critical injuries in the crash.
Four crashes delay traffic around the city this morning.
Traffic build-up begins ahead of a bumper night in Auckland.
A serious crash in Kawerau has left one person dead and another with minor injuries.
COMMENT: Fallacies about Auckland traffic congestion can be costly for the country.
Part of State Highway 1 in Wellington is closed because of a bush fire.
Reddit users commenting on the video have slammed the driver as a "tosser".
Local frustration is growing as the number of serious crashes keep climbing
A drunk driver has been nabbed by police thanks to members of the public calling *555
Congestion is clearing after a series of crashes during rush-hour.
A pile of wood was seen hanging out of a vehicle heading down the Western Motorway. Supplied by Facebook / Vincent Ieremia
Pipiriki boat-ramp kept open by locals during flood. Made with funding from NZ On Air
COMMENT: Too many chases of minor traffic offences end in death, says Brian Rudman.
Police say a third person with serious injuries is being flown to hospital.
Holidays and visits cut short, but no hardship and great adventure
A triathlete who nearly lost his leg in a chainsaw attack is on the road to recovery.
At the moment the rain is easing, but another heavy downpour could mean trouble.
An update on the Blue Duck station blockage. Source: Facebook / Blue Duck station
Former Tauranga Mayor Stuart Crosby comes out firing at local councils.
COMMENT: What's gone wrong in this debate is the dishonesty.
Coroner Mike Robb and police are involved in an inquest visiting the crash scene on Oparure Rd, Te Kuiti.
Speed cameras have gone up at 33 high crash risk sites. Police hope they'll reduce carnage
Who's happy that 18 cyclists were killed on our roads last year?
Each motorist wasted an average 78.6 hours sitting in traffic, just on our motorways.