Latest fromRoads

James Griffin: What the devil is wrong here?
Y'know, I think I'm starting to figure Auckland out. I've only lived here for 30-odd years, but finally I'm starting to get a handle on how the city runs itself. I'm not talking here about anything to do with the Super City concept.

Appeal to 'mandom' to stay in 'mantrol' on roads
A new road safety campaign is appealing to young male drivers to 'slow down and stay in mantrol', in an attempt to reduce NZ's road toll.

Police 'devastated' by Labour weekend road toll
All the crashes which caused seven fatalities this Labour weekend were avoidable, say police.

Blue skies ahead for long weekend
Holidaymakers have long, sunny days to look forward to this Labour weekend as a large high makes its way across the country.

Historic recognition for 'gold rush' road
A landmark road which played a key role in the Central Otago gold rushes has been recognised by the New Zealand Historic Places Trust.

'Welcome to the 21st century' - <b>readers respond</b> to give-way change
We asked readers what they thought of the Govt's plan to change NZ's right-turn rule in 2012, and found little consensus.