Latest fromRoad Transport

Woman fined days before hitting cyclists
The woman who drove into a pack of cyclists after allegedly running a stop sign in Auckland last weekend told friends she was fined for speeding six days before the incident.

Fuel tax ends motorists' good run
Fuel taxes are rising tomorrow, putting the brakes on a good run for motorists who have enjoyed petrol price cuts of 8c a litre since last week.

Crash fires up debate over cyclists
A weekend accident that left a cyclist in hospital has reignited debate over cyclists' rights on New Zealand roads.

Push to lower speed limit after crash
Cyclists will push for a lower speed limit on Tamaki Drive after a young driver ploughed into a pack of riders, critically injuring one.

Run out of fuel, pay a fine - police plan
Drivers now face the prospect of a hefty fine if they run out of petrol on Auckland's motorways.

Harbour bridge misses out on upgrade
Auckland Harbour Bridge has been left off a list of highway upgrades needed to cope with heavier trucks.