Call to redo beaches lost to bridge
Auckland transport politicians are backing a proposal to recreate beaches lost to North Shore's Shoal Bay when the harbour bridge was built in the 1950s.
Auckland transport politicians are backing a proposal to recreate beaches lost to North Shore's Shoal Bay when the harbour bridge was built in the 1950s.
Greg Reynolds has seen too many young, inexperienced drivers, older drivers and those who should know better crash outside his business.
With the conversion to electric trains and wires out west going to Swanson is Waitakere to lose its rail service or are there plans to extend the electrification?
Police are shocked at the high numbers of drivers dividing their attention between cellphones and the road, three years after calling or texting at the wheel was banned.
The grave of a leading New Zealand poet is at risk from a highway.
Rush-hour traffic in central Auckland will slow to walking pace in 10 years if the central city rail tunnel isn't built, a confidential report warns.
A majority of Aucklanders want the Government to make a significant contribution to the $2.86 billion city rail link, a new poll shows.
Nearly half of all senior drivers referred by doctors for on-road competency tests this year have failed, Transport Ministry figures reveal.
Councillors baulk at the prospect of unleashing wardens in public reserves.
A broken cable caused major delays on Auckland's southern and eastern train networks, while a police investigation briefly delayed Wellington services.
A surge in the number of older people being killed or seriously injured on the roads is being blamed on their fragility and New Zealand's ageing population.
Today is the last day or the public to comment on proposed changes to the warrant of fitness system.
Auckland Transport has been slugging motorists with fines of $3 million a month for parking and other vehicle offences.